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Researching Illicit Streaming Devices with Graylog

In February 2024, I discovered a whisper campaign targeting folks in critical infrastructure with a pirate streaming box. While Illicit streaming devices are not new, this one is particularly ""chatty"". When I discovered it was communicating to qqcom, I knew I needed to start ingesting logs and needed a SIEM. I was able to quickly deploy Graylog and collect and correlate logs to understand behavior of the device.

Fast, Secure, Seamless Connectivity to Your Critical Applications with Netskope One Private Access

Ensuring secure access to internal apps—whether hosted in data centers or the cloud—shouldn't mean compromising performance. Netskope One Private Access leverages Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) technology to provide remote, secure connectivity, powered by the high-performance Netskope NewEdge Network.

The Future (and Present) of the Internet, AI, and Tech with Nicholas Thompson

This week, host João Tomé is joined by Nicholas Thompson, CEO of The Atlantic and former editor-in-chief of Wired, during his participation at Web Summit, the international event held in Lisbon with over 70,000 attendees. In this conversation, Thompson discusses the Internet, AI, social media, and the challenge of protecting content creators from AI crawlers—a problem Cloudflare’s AI Audit is designed to address. We also explore the 2024 media landscape, its future, and its role in supporting democracy.