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How to Use Group Policy and Netwrix PolicyPak to Remove Local Admin Rights

This video explains step-by-step how you can use Group Policy and Netwrix PolicyPak to get out of the local admin rights business. Start out by finding where you have local admin rights, and then remove the source using in-box GP preferences. Then use Netwrix PolicyPak to elevate your now-standard users so they can keep doing the (admin-like) things they always have.

Netwrix Password Reset

Netwrix Password Reset is an Active Directory password reset tool that enables users to securely reset or change their own passwords and unlock their accounts from any web browser, desktop or mobile device — without calling the help desk. Are password-related tickets driving up your IT helpdesk costs? Do lockouts and password management headaches frustrate your users and disrupt vital business processes? A self-service password reset tool can solve these problems, but you might be worried that it could increase the risk of attackers slipping into your network.

Active Directory Security with Netwrix Solutions

Gain peace of mind by securing your Active Directory and Azure AD from end to end. Identify and mitigate security gaps before attackers exploit them. Detect, respond and recover fast from security incidents to minimize downtime and business impact. 95 million AD accounts are attacked every single day. The reason is simple: Active Directory is the gateway to your critical data, applications, and IT infrastructure. How can you protect your business?