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Rezilion-Azure DevOps Integration

Azure DevOps is Microsoft’s Software as a Service (SaaS) platform providing developers a comprehensive DevOps platform to develop and deploy software. By integrating directly with Azure DevOps, Rezilion’s platform first helps customers discover all software components in their environment, then using granular run-time validation helps them prioritize vulnerabilities that are exploitable and eliminate what isn’t relevant. This allows developers to focus on what matters most and remediate strategically.

What's Next for Log4j? Tales From the Trenches Panel

The recently discovered flaw in Apache’s Log4j software continues to stress security teams and put many organizations at risk. Because Log4j is very difficult to detect, many scanners may not detect it. Rezilion researchers conducted a survey using multiple open source and commercial scanning tools and assessed the tools against a dataset of packaged Java files where Log4j was nested and packaged in various formats. While no scanner was able to detect Log4j in all formats initially, several scanner makers were quick to respond and update their technology to find the bug.