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Create Users Within Veracode Security Labs or by Using Your Company SSO

In this video, you will learn how to create Security Labs users from within the Security Labs interface. Veracode Security Labs provides interactive training labs that give developers practical security knowledge. Security Labs teaches security and application security (AppSec) skills through hands-on experience. The lab-based approach to developer enablement can improve the time it takes to resolve findings and help developers avoid introducing flaws into the code.

Create and Manage API Service Accounts with the Identity API

In this video you will learn how to use the Identify REST API command to: Veracode REST APIs enable you to access Veracode Platform data and functionality using REST API programming conventions. The API provides endpoints for managing users, teams, and business units, using the create, update, read, and delete actions on their respective objects. It also provides a consistent way of onboarding teams by scripting the process from start to finish.

Working with Scan Results Using the Veracode Visual Studio Extension

In this video, you will learn how to download, import, and view Veracode scan results using the Veracode Visual Studio Extension. You will also learn how to mitigate findings discovered during the scan in Visual Studio. When the Veracode scan of your application scan has completed successfully, you can download the scan results to your local machine using the Veracode Visual Studio extension or directly from the Veracode Platform. You can also use the Veracode Visual Studio Extension to propose mitigations for flaws discovered in your application during scanning.

Create and Run an Unauthenticated Dynamic Analysis

In this video, you will learn how to create, configure, and schedule an unauthenticated Dynamic Analysis. An unauthenticated Dynamic Analysis scan is appropriate when the site you are scanning does not require a login. Veracode Dynamic Analysis also supports the scanning of websites that require authentication, such as such as login via a webform, browser based, or NTLM.

Build and Upload Files to Scan Using Veracode Static for Visual Studio

In this video, you will learn how to prepare a build of your application using Veracode Static for Visual Studio and upload the build to a new or existing application profile in your Veracode portfolio. Veracode Static for Visual Studio integrates with Visual Studio and assists you with compiling and uploading applications for scanning. It also provides quick information about potential security flaws in your applications, enabling remediation directly within your IDE.

Reviewing Findings in Veracode for VS Code

In this video, you will learn how to: Veracode IDE Scans find potential security issues in your code in seconds so that you can fix the findings directly in your IDE. Veracode for VS Code is an extension to Visual Studio Code, which performs an IDE Scan at the file level. It supports JavaScript, TypeScript, and C#. You can scan either a single file or all files in a selected Visual Studio folder.