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AI - Boon or Bane for Appsec

Are you ready to dive into the world of application security and artificial intelligence? Watch the exclusive talk by the renowned Julian Totzek Hallhuber, Solutions Architecture Manager at Veracode, during Mind the Sec 2023 in Brazil. In this engaging talk, Julian explores the advantages and disadvantages of using AI in the AppSec landscape and discovers how AI is revolutionizing the way we protect our applications from constantly evolving cyber threats.

Veracode AI Thought Leadership Podcast

Veracode co-founder Chris Wysopal joins host Brian Roche, Chief Product Officer of Veracode, in our inaugural video podcast, The Tech Evolution. In this episode Brian and Chris discuss the impact that artificial intelligence has on software development, and even more importantly, keeping software secure using this exciting new technology.

Create and Run an Unauthenticated Dynamic Analysis of a Web Application

In this video, you will learn how to create, configure, and schedule an unauthenticated Dynamic Analysis. An unauthenticated Dynamic Analysis scan is appropriate when the site you are scanning does not require a login. Veracode Dynamic Analysis also supports the scanning of websites that require authentication, such as login via a web form, browser-based, or NTLM.

Install the Veracode IntelliJ Plugin

In this video, you will learn how to install the Veracode IntelliJ Plugin, generate API ID and key credentials in the Veracode platform, and store those credentials in IntelliJ. The Veracode IntelliJ Plugin enables you to upload binaries to the Veracode Platform for static security analysis. You can then review the scan results from within IntelliJ IDEA to identify and mitigate potential security findings in your applications.

Veracode Container Security

Introducing Veracode Container Security - this new tool is now seamlessly integrated with the Continuous Software Security Platform. Veracode Container Security is a command line interface (CLI) tool that integrates into your pipeline with ease. This empowers developers to secure containers earlier in the software development life cycle, ensuring containers are built and deployed securely.

Veracode SCA Scan for VS Code Plugin

Introducing the Veracode SCA Scan for VS Code Plugin Developers can now: · Run an SCA Scan with Veracode· Identify vulnerabilities and license risks in open-source dependencies· Prioritize and rapidly fix any issues· Access the Veracode database, remediation guidance, and more All from within VS Code! Easily download the extension from the VS Code Marketplace.

Install Greenlight Visual Studio Extension

In this video, you will learn how to install the Veracode Greenlight for Visual Studio extension. Veracode Greenlight finds the defects in your code as you write it and provides recommendations and code examples to help you fix them directly in your IDE. It allows you to write quality secure code from the very beginning while perfecting your understanding of application security Best Practices.