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How to generate a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) using Veracode Software Composition Analysis

In this video, we’ll demo how to use the SBOM API with Veracode Software Composition Analysis (SCA) to generate a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM). The new SBOM API provides an inventory of components within your application with insight into the relationships between the components. Exported in CycloneDX format, the SBOM identifies which components are coming from 3rd party sources and offers visibility into your software supply chain.

Create an API Specification Scan

Traditionally Veracode Dynamic Analysis has targeted applications with a Web user interface. But increasingly, web applications are composed of many small microservices, many of which have Representational State Transfer (REST) interfaces with which the UI layer communicates. With API scanning, you can now scan the APIs of your microservices earlier in the software development process, before they are integrated into a web application.

Review API Scanning Prescan Results

In this video, you will learn how to review Dynamic Analysis prescan scan results for an API specification. After creating and submitting a Dynamic Analysis API specification scan, you can return to the list of Dynamic Analyses at any time to check for status updates and to view results. Please note, you must have the Creator, Reviewer, or Security Lead role to be able to view the results of a Dynamic Analysis, unless the results are linked to a Veracode application profile for which you have permission to view.