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Reviewing Findings in Veracode for VS Code

In this video, you will learn how to: Veracode IDE Scans find potential security issues in your code in seconds so that you can fix the findings directly in your IDE. Veracode for VS Code is an extension to Visual Studio Code, which performs an IDE Scan at the file level. It supports JavaScript, TypeScript, and C#. You can scan either a single file or all files in a selected Visual Studio folder.

Driving the Cybersecurity Agenda with the C-Suite and Boards

Veracode CEO Sam King joins the Advanced Cyber Security Center, the Boston Globe’s Jon Chesto, MassMutual CISO Jim Routh, and State Street CTRO for a fireside chat about the strategic role the C-suite and corporate boards play in cybersecurity. Sam describes why communication between the board, the C-suite, the CISO, and the security team must be frequent to add value from both a governance and compliance perspective.