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Create a Custom Policy in the Veracode Platform

In this video, you will learn how to create a custom policy in the Veracode Platform. The Veracode Platform enables you to create an application security policy against which you can evaluate and measure your applications. You can create, edit, or delete a policy. You must have the Policy Administrator role to perform policy maintenance activities. Policies can comprise one or more of the following types of requirements for your applications: rules, scan requirements, and remediation grace periods. You define the requirements while creating a new policy.

Use the Jenkins Credentials Binding Plugin to Protect Your Veracode Credentials

In this video, you will learn how to: You can use the Jenkins Credentials Binding Plugin to hide your Veracode API credentials from the Jenkins interface and logs. You use the plugin to associate, or bind, your Veracode API credentials to environment variables and save them to the Jenkins credentials store. During a build, Jenkins uses the environment variables to secretly access your credentials. The Jenkins interface and logs only show the bound environment variables.

Create a New Application Profile in the Veracode Platform

In this video, you will learn how to create a new application profile in the Veracode Platform. Users with the Creator or Security Lead role on the Veracode Platform can create application profiles. The application profile describes your application, identifies the policy to evaluate the application with, and provides metadata that enables a thorough analysis of security performance across all the applications in your organization.