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Zero Trust Security: Supporting a CARTA approach with Anomaly Detection

Learn how Anomaly Detection supports, what Gartner has termed, a continuous adaptive risk and trust assessment (CARTA) when building a CaaS platform using Kubernetes. Anomaly Detection expands the zero trust network security model and continuously assess the application and network risk that enables adaptive policy adjustments.

Proof of Concept: CVE-2017-9791 Apache Struts OGNL Expression Injection

Object-Graph Navigation Language (OGNL) is an expression language for handling Java objects. When an OGNL expression injection vulnerability is present, it is possible for the attacker to inject OGNL expressions. Many critical Apache Struts CVEs are the result of GNL expression injection. Watch our short attack demo video where we explain Apache Struts OGNL expression injection and how it works.

Calcom Server Hardening Solution

CalCom Hardening Solution (CHS) is a server hardening automation solution (for Windown & Linux servers) designed to reduce operational costs and increase the server's security and compliance posture. CHS eliminates outages and reduces hardening costs by indicating the impact of a security hardening change on the production services. It ensures a resilient, constantly hardened and monitored server environment.