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Cost Reduction and Offensive Security with the Help of Trustwave

An exclusive look inside Trustwave Spiderlabs, where our commitment to excellence in financial and technical services shines through every test we conduct. Join Damian Archer, Vice President of Trustwave Spiderlabs, as he unveils the secrets to substantial cost savings while maintaining the highest quality standards.

How to Share a Keeper Record on Android

Keeper’s Android mobile app makes it easy to securely share records with friends and family. To share a record with another Keeper user, select the record from your vault and tap Share, then Share with User. Enter the user's email address or select it from the dropdown, then use the toggle buttons to choose what permissions the user will receive such as: “Can Edit”, “Can Share” and "Make Owner". If you do not enable any permissions, the user will have “view only” access. Upon tapping Save, the user will receive an email notifying them that you have shared a record.

Empowering Customers & Partners: Unveiling the Transformative Impact of Brivo AI

Explore the future of security and smart technology with Brivo. Our content delves into innovative solutions that empower businesses and individuals to create safer, more connected environments. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to stay updated on the latest trends in access control and smart space management. Connect with us for a smarter, more secure tomorrow.

Cybersecurity Burnout and Organisational Culture with Yanya Viskovich & Eve Parmiter

Dive into today's Razorwire episode where we explore the critical issue of burnout in the cybersecurity field. Join Yanya Viskovich, a cyber resilience expert, and Eve Parmiter, a clinical traumatologist, as they provide invaluable insights into combating burnout among cyber defenders. In this episode.

How to recover instantly using Disk Mount Recovery

The Disk Mount Recovery option mounts the backed-up VM’s disk to the Disk Management Service of the Microsoft Windows machine on which the BDRSuite Backup Server is hosted; it is done through BDRSuite Virtual Drive that grants access to your backup data instantly through the file explorer, without having to restore the entire backup.