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3 time-consuming security functions to automate in 2025

Our most recent State of Trust report found that 55 percent of global businesses think security risks for their organization have never been higher. Naturally, to mitigate an increase in risks in today’s complex threat landscape, businesses invest time and money in building a robust cybersecurity posture. But many security initiatives take a lot of time, money, and manual support to implement and maintain. This is a problem for a few reasons. Security budgets are tight.

More Than Compliance: Elevate Your Security Posture with 1Password

You run a business that handles sensitive customer data. To ensure you’re following industry standards, you diligently work to achieve compliance with relevant laws and regulations, such as HIPAA, SOC 2, or GDPR. You invest in the necessary tools, train your staff, and implement the required security policies. After an exhaustive process, you proudly receive your compliance certification.

Top Database Security Tools for Enhanced Vulnerability Assessment and Compliance

Let’s take a look at how traditional vulnerability assessment (VA) tools compare to those built specifically to assess database security. General vulnerability assessment tools have been in use for more than 25 years, so the technology is mature. However, there are significant differences in the tools available and their specific purposes regarding database security management. Many VA solutions on the market offer general vulnerability assessments, focusing on a wide range of IT assets.

The Rise of Security in Today's Technology Era

In today's connected world, security is one of the most crucial fears for both people and institutions. With the increase in internet use, digital transformation as well as new technologies such as cloud computing and the Internet of Things (IOT), cyber threat attack surface has increased substantially. Cybercriminals, hackers, and other malicious actors are increasingly faced with the need to secure these assets from them as more data and processes go online, thus making it a more complex endeavor.
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Building a Modern Identity Capability to Tackle DORA

Hackers are quickly taking advantage of every vulnerability in an organisation's armoury, particularly exploiting poorly managed identities. An organisation might have the strongest firewalls, encryption, anti-malware, vulnerability scanners, and risk management tools in the world, but if identities are not managed securely, this still leaves one critical gap in its cybersecurity arsenal.

FedRAMP Certification and Data Security

Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) and State Risk and Authorization Management Program (StateRAMP) are pivotal frameworks for securing cloud services used by federal and state governments, respectively. These programs mandate stringent security protocols, emphasizing the need for organizations to manage and disclose third-party involvement in delivering software services to the government.

Beyond Compliance: Building a Resilient Security Strategy with the ISM and Essential Eight

In today’s complex cybersecurity landscape, addressing the controls within the Australian Government’s Information Security Manual (ISM) and the Essential Eight (E8) is critical when seeking to build rapport and work with the Australian Government. Australian cybersecurity regulations like the ISM and E8 outline foundational steps, including cybersecurity best practices and controls for data protection strategies.

How a Compliance Management System Can Strengthen Corporate Governance

Corporate governance isn't just about making money; it's also about creating an atmosphere of honesty, responsibility, and right behavior. A Compliance Management System (CMS) is a key part of fostering this mindset because it helps companies follow the rules set by regulators. As rules and regulations change all the time, a content management system (CMS) helps businesses stay in line while reducing risks.

PCI DSS Compliance for SaaS Businesses

PCI DSS is a set of requirements that is applied to every small and large organization that accepts, stores, processes, or transmits cardholder data. In particular, PCI DSS for SaaS companies is essential, as these platforms frequently handle sensitive customer information and must adhere to the latest security standards. In 2024, the updated version of PCI DSS 3.2.1, PCI DSS v4.0, became mandatory after being officially released on March 31, 2022, allowing organizations a transition period.

Creating a Real-Time USB Monitoring Rule for Enhanced Security and Compliance

In today's cybersecurity landscape, controlling access to USB drives is critical, particularly for organizations looking to maintain compliance with regulations like NERC CIP and bolster their security posture. Unauthorized USB usage poses significant risks, from data exfiltration to malware injection. However, restricting USB access entirely isn't always practical. Instead, organizations can implement solutions that monitor and manage USB usage effectively.