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What are NISPOM Regulations? History, Compliance & More

NISPOM is an increasingly important part of the regulations surrounding work as a government contractor and is especially critical if you handle classified information. It’s also a lengthy and detailed part of the Federal Register and is complex enough that it often takes a specialist to know what’s important and what’s required. So, let’s talk about it.

Security Questionnaire Automation vs. RFP Software: Choosing the Right Tool

RFPs and security questionnaires play an important role in the sales and procurement process, helping buyers evaluate potential vendors and ensuring all necessary criteria are met before entering the contract phase. Despite their importance, the process can be arduous for both buyers and vendors, necessitating the development of tools that are designed to simplify and streamline these tasks.

Tips for NIS2 Compliance: What Companies Need to Do - and Will It Work?

The Network and Information Systems Directive (NIS2) marks a significant step forward in Europe’s efforts to bolster cybersecurity resilience. Alongside the Critical Entities Resilience Directive, it represents a commitment to ensuring that organisations offering essential services—such as financial services, healthcare, transport, and energy—are equipped to withstand cyber threats.

Why Identity Security is Your Best Companion for Uncharted Compliance Challenges

In today’s rapidly evolving global regulatory landscape, new technologies, environments and threats are heightening cybersecurity and data privacy concerns. In the last year, governing bodies have taken significant steps to enact stricter compliance measures—and more than ever, they are focusing on identity-related threats. Some notable changes include: Zero Trust is a common thread in many recent regulatory changes.

What is GDPR Compliance? Understanding the Role of DLP

General Data Protection Regulation Compliance, also known as GDPR Compliance, is the European Union’s foundation law on data privacy and security. The objective of GDPR is to provide individual’s control over their personal data from how it’s collected to how it’s use, shared, and storage.

The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) is coming - are you ready?

As the official implementation date approaches for the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) – financial institutions and their information and communication technology (ICT) service providers, across the European Union are gearing up for a significant shift in their operational landscape.

Using Enterprise Data Security to Stay Ahead of Evolving Compliance Standards

As cybersecurity threats and compliance requirements continually evolve, organizations must take a proactive approach to protect their sensitive data. Protegrity’s data protection solution enables businesses to stay ahead of compliance requirements by offering continuous monitoring, encryption, and automated risk assessments, ensuring that security measures are always up-to-date and aligned with the latest regulatory standards.

CMMC Mobile Security: A Guide to Compliance for Enterprise Organizations

Just about every organization works with some amount of sensitive information, but the defense industry’s information is more sensitive than most. That’s why the United States Department of Defense (DoD) created the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC). This cybersecurity model helps protect controlled data in the defense industry — and, by extension, the military personnel who rely on that data to stay productive and safe.

Securing Snowflake PII: Best Practices for Data Protection

As organizations increasingly rely on cloud data platforms, securing PII (Personally Identifiable Information) has become more critical than ever. Snowflake, a robust cloud-based data warehouse, stores and processes vast amounts of sensitive information. With the rise in data breaches and stringent regulations like GDPR and CCPA, safeguarding PII data in Snowflake is essential to ensure data privacy and compliance.