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The Dark Side of EDR: Repurpose EDR as an Offensive Tool

Endpoint detection and response (EDR) solutions have become a key component of many enterprise endpoint security strategies, resulting in a forecasted market value close to $17 billion by 2030. This is due in no small part to the increase in remote work following the COVID-19 pandemic, the resulting bring-your-own-device (BYOD) trend in which employees use personal devices for work-related activities, and the constant evolution of cyber threats.

Unveiling the Nestle Data Breach: A Deep Dive into R00TK1T's Threat

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats, the recent breach by the notorious hacker group R00TK1T serves as a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities faced by even the most established organizations. As the Foresight Threat Team delves into the details of this alarming incident, it becomes imperative to shed light on the implications and lessons to be learned from this breach.

Leveraging Risk-Based Vulnerability Management with AcuRisQ

Maintaining an inventory of assets (websites, APIs and other applications) is a good start. However, when each of these websites have tens of open vulnerabilities, the sheer volume overwhelms you, leading to alert fatigue. Then, how do you decide where to begin? Enter Indusface AcuRisQ, the solution to your prioritization dilemma.

Who is affected by NIS2 and what does it mean for your compliance?

In a regulatory landscape where new national, vertical, or international regulations are published on what seems like a weekly basis, the European Commission’s NIS2 Directive stands out. This legislation, which applies to all organizations operating across the European Union, has provided legally binding measures which organizations must abide by in order to ‘boost the overall level of cybersecurity in the EU.’

Generative AI and Cyber Security

There has been a lot of talk about Artificial Intelligence (AI) in recent years. It is certainly a polarizing subject. While it raises hopes about the future of technology and what humanity is capable of, it also raises questions around human control and technological determination. There are those who worry that Artificial Intelligence is going to ‘take people’s jobs’, or even take over the world, and that the world will end up like a dystopian ‘Terminator’ style film.

A Brief History of Cybercrime

Over the past decade, cybercrime has become a big business — a $1.5T industry with an entire ecosystem of criminal organizations run like legitimate organizations. Some even offer technical leadership, step-by-step instructions, and robust customer service via ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS), and the most brazen threat actors have even taken out pop-up ads selling their products.

How Does Bare Metal Storage Enhance Data Security Compared To Other Storage Solutions?

Bare metal storage enhances data security compared to other storage solutions by providing isolation and dedicated resources for each customer. Unlike shared storage solutions, bare metal storage ensures that data is not co-mingled with other customers, reducing the risk of unauthorized access or data breaches. Additionally, bare metal storage allows for greater control and customization of security measures, such as encryption and access controls, providing an added layer of protection.

How to Evaluate if Your Business Needs a VPN or RDP? What's the Difference?

The need for secure remote access solutions has increased in today's digital era. About two-thirds of businesses have had their data stolen because employees work from home. Four out of five companies have seen more email scams since people started working remotely. Almost 70% of businesses think they'll face more cyber problems because so many people work from home now.

CrowdStrike Falcon: Pros, Cons, Features & Alternatives

Data breaches, malware attacks, and insider threats pose constant risks to businesses of all sizes. To protect your valuable data and critical infrastructure, you need a robust endpoint security solution. CrowdStrike Falcon stands out in the market, offering unique features like next-generation antivirus (NGAV) and endpoint detection and response (EDR). Before deciding, it’s essential to grasp these distinctive strengths and weaknesses.