Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Kerberos Attacks - All You Need to Know

Privileged account exploitation remains at the core of targeted cyber attacks. An insight into some of the most high-profile breaches reveals a highly predictable pattern. Attackers are capable of crashing through hijack credentials, network perimeter, and utilize the same for moving laterally across the entire network. They also undertake additional credentials and enhance privileges towards achieving their goals.

Build a software bill of materials (SBOM) for open source supply chain security

More than ever, developers are building web applications on the foundations of open source software libraries. However, while those libraries make up the software bill of materials (SBOM) components inventory, not all developers and business stakeholders understand the significant impact on open source supply chain security that stems from including 3rd party libraries.

SSH into Docker Container or Use Docker Exec?

SSH has always been the default mechanism to get remote shell access into a running Unix or Linux operating system from a terminal client to execute commands. While SSH is familiar, Docker provides more lightweight and easier-to-use methods that don’t require running your container with an SSH server. This post will explore two methods to get shell access into a Docker container using OpenSSH and the docker exec command.

Identifying and Avoiding Malicious Packages

Securing your software supply chain is absolutely critical as attackers are getting more sophisticated in their ability to infect software at all stages of the development lifecycle. This webinar, hosted by JFrog Director of Threat Research Jonathan Sar Shalom, will be a technical showcase of the different types of malicious packages that are prevalent today in the PyPI (Python) and npm (Node.js) package repositories. All examples shown in the webinar will be based on real data and malicious packages that were identified and disclosed by the JFrog security research team.

Announcing Snyk free security for open source projects

Snyk announces expanded free offerings for open source project maintainers including unlimited scans across our platform and additional features. Snyk helps software-driven businesses develop fast and stay secure. Continuously find and fix vulnerabilities for npm, Maven, NuGet, RubyGems, PyPI and more.

Log4j Webinar Recap: What Your Scanner is Missing

Log4j continues to be a thorn in the side of security leaders, who have spent the last several months battling the recently discovered flaw in Apache’s Log4j software. In a recent webinar, Yotam Perkal, director of vulnerability research at Rezilion, said the implications of the bug are far-reaching and will likely be exploited for years to come. Apache Log4j is an open source Java logging library used in millions of Java applications worldwide.

Why Single Sign On Sucks

A month ago I tweeted about my annoyance with SSO or Single Sign On. While single is in the name, I’m required to “single sign on” multiple times a day. I’m not the only one; the tweet went viral with over 25k likes and 2 Million impressions. The tongue-in-check tweet created a lot of fun responses and more rage against SSO user experience than I expected. SSO was meant to solve password fatigue but we got something worse.