In 2017, ransomware attacks increased by 90 percent, making it the most prevalent variety of malware. Every organization should be thinking about ransomware protection and detection – because proper security is always more prudent than the costs of a ransom or lost time and data. Ransomware is changing and evolving – and so are network security offerings. Here are a few things you need to know to protect your business against a ransomware attack.
Alert fatigue is a real problem in IT Security. This can set in at the worst time, when an analyst checks their tools and sees yet another event, or even another 50-100 events, after they just checked. They click through events looking for the smallest reason they can find to dismiss the event so they won’t need to escalate, or further investigate, the issue.
The most well-known type of system credential is the administrative, or root password. These types of accounts are “administrators,” meaning they usually have total access to whatever system they are for. Administrator accounts are used by your IT staff or contractors to manage the basic operations of a system. These operational tasks could include maintenance, data migrations, and other common IT work that requires elevated access beyond normal business use.
Artificial intelligence and its cousin machine learning are words that keep cropping up in almost every industry at the moment. Sometimes as buzzwords, sometimes with real innovation, but always with the outlook that both Ai and ML are going to be employed a lot more across a whole spectrum of businesses.