Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Instilling a Higher Level of Trust: Miles & Stockbridge

In this day and age securing data and ensuring clients are confident in their information being protected is imperative to build trust. So when integrating solutions how can you make sure that not only is data secure, but that you continue to increase bandwidth within your organization and mitigate future possible vulnerabilities?

Instilling a Higher Level of Trust: Miles & Stockbridge

In this day and age securing data and ensuring clients are confident in their information being protected is imperative to build trust. So when integrating solutions how can you make sure that not only is data secure, but that you continue to increase bandwidth within your organization and mitigate future possible vulnerabilities?

UpGuard Creating Risk Waivers in Risk Assessment Demo // Chris Schubert, Senior Product Manager

Hear from UpGuard's Senior Product Manager, Chris Schubert, as he introduces you to UpGuard's new Risk Waiver workflow in Risk Assessments. This quarter, we’ve expanded our risk assessments framework so that you can waive risks within each individual risk assessment. This feature streamlines the risk waiver workflow so you can now create, review and waive risks all within a risk assessment.

UpGuard Shared Profiles and NDA Protection // Harsh Budholiya, Product Marketing Lead

Learn from UpGuard's Product Marketing Lead, Harsh Budholiya, as he introduces you to UpGuard's NDA Protection feature in Shared Profiles. As part of Shared Profiles, you now have the option to add a non disclosure agreement, or NDA, that must be accepted by organizations before access is granted. This gives Shared Profile owners complete visibility and control over their privacy settings with features including access controls and logs to ensure sensitive and private information contained in Shared Profiles remains secure.