Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


5 reasons why Sysdig partners with Proofpoint to enhance cloud security

At Sysdig, we are constantly looking for ways to improve the security posture of the organizations that we work with. One of the areas we continuously improve upon is our platform’s threat intelligence and detection capabilities that leverage the open-source Falco project. We incorporate threat intelligence sourced from our own strategically placed honeypots, data collection systems, and multiple other open-source feeds.

A Partnership Protecting Critical Infrastructure: Centripetal and Dynics

Threat activity today is incredibly high, and industrial infrastructure is a primary target. Centripetal and Dynics are partnering to combine IT and OT expertise to better protect critical infrastructure and industrial control systems across the United States.

CrowdStrike Partners with Center for Threat-Informed Defense to Reveal Top Attack Techniques Defenders Should Prioritize

The MITRE ATT&CK matrix revolutionized security, providing a common language and taxonomy for companies and security vendors to use when talking about and measuring cybersecurity, with an emphasis on adversary behaviors. However, building a defensive strategy using this insight can be overwhelming due to its 14 tactics, 191 techniques and 386 sub-techniques, and often thousands of implementation procedures for each technique that change constantly.

Snyk and StackHawk form strategic alliance to equip app teams with modern, developer-first security testing

Application innovation, design, development, quality assurance, and security testing have changed dramatically over the past decade. Engineering teams are leveraging agile development processes, modern cloud platforms, reusable microservices, and extensible APIs, enabling them to shift to more frequent deployments more easily.