Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Unify endpoint and network evidence

Unmanaged endpoints, vendor security appliances, cloud instances, and IoT devices often lack endpoint protection, creating hiding places that attackers exploit. Using Humio to correlate Falcon endpoint data with Corelight network evidence improves detection capabilities for all of your devices, and makes investigators and hunters faster.

What does XDR mean for your organization?

As one of the hottest new buzzwords in the infosec space, XDR means many things to many people. This talk will discuss all of the possible components of an XDR solution through the lens of SOC operations, laying out the pros and cons of various approaches such as SaaS vs on-premise, specialized vs general tooling, etc. for organizations of different size, funding, and maturity levels. Best practice suggestions will be provided throughout, from general principles to specific integration code.

Network Evidence For XDR

XDR - Extended detection and response - promises to integrate data from any source to stop today's sophisticated and often automated attacks. The key is: Which source? Register for this exclusive session for insights on why network evidence must be a key part of your XDR strategy. Topics to be discussed include how to: Walk away with new ideas on how to stay ahead of ever-changing attacks by using a data-first strategy for detection and response.

Deeper visibility into Kubernetes environments with network monitoring

Network monitoring solutions can overcome the security visibility blind spots in Kubernetes environments, by providing a source of truth for SOC analysts. Container security solutions broadly span the spectrum of (a) prevention - securing the container image and ensuring the right policies are in place during runtime and (b) detection - monitoring runtime events for threat detection and investigation.

VPNs are increasingly common - how much can you see?

VPN tunnels are like shipping containers in that they are widely used (especially as the pandemic has moved more of the workforce to remote work), and they can be used to carry traffic for legitimate as well as malicious purposes. Establishing a tunnel between corporate offices, remote workers, or partners to transfer data is a legitimate and common use for VPNs.

SANS 2022 Cloud Security Survey

The state of cloud security is evolving. Many organizations are implementing new and more advanced cloud security services that offer cloud-focused controls and capabilities, including services and tools that provide network connectivity and security for end users and office locations, security monitoring and policy controls, and identity services, among others.