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Password Management

The E-Root Incident: The Importance of Securing RDP and SSH Accounts

One of the most notable changes in cybercrime since the beginning of the 21st century has been the maturation of the illegal industry from individual hackers to full-on profitable businesses. E-Root, a global illegal marketplace, was taken down by law enforcement in 2020 but recently made the news as its admin faces 20 years in prison for selling stolen Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) and Secure Shell (SSH) accounts.

Lessons Learned From the Clark County School District Ransomware Attack

Clark County School District in Nevada, the fifth-largest school district in the United States, recently experienced a massive data breach. Threat actors gained access to the school district’s email servers, which exposed the sensitive data of over 200,000 students. The district is now facing a class-action lawsuit from parents, alleging it failed to protect sensitive personal information and take steps to prevent the cybersecurity attack.

Is It Safe To Accept Zelle Payments From Strangers?

No, it is not safe to accept Zelle payments from strangers because there is always the possibility of the stranger being a scammer. If the stranger is a scammer, then you could end up losing money by accepting a Zelle payment from them. It’s best to only use Zelle to send and receive payments from people you know and trust.

Revolutionizing Cybersecurity: Global Coalition Unveils Password Guidance!

Get ready to witness a game-changing moment in the world of cybersecurity and passwords! An impressive coalition of over 90 nonprofit organizations, including Consumer Reports and the Better Business Bureau, just dropped a brand-new directive protecting your accounts and devices called “The Common Guidance on Passwords.” This announcement sets the stage for the grand inauguration of “World More Than a Password Day,” which was on November 10, 2023.

The Different Types of Ransomware

The different types of ransomware include crypto ransomware, locker ransomware, scareware, leakware and Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS). Ransomware is a type of malware, also known as malicious software, that prevents victims from accessing the data stored on their devices until they’ve paid a cybercriminal a certain amount of money, commonly referred to as a ransom.

How To Safely Shop Online

You can shop online securely by shopping on reputable websites, using strong and unique passwords when creating online shopping accounts and watching out for phishing scams. The internet has allowed retailers to sell online and provide a convenient way to shop; however, online shopping also exposes people to potential cyber attacks that can put them at risk of losing their personal and financial information.

The Ultimate Guide to Password Best Practices: Guarding Your Digital Identity

In the wake of escalating cyber-attacks and data breaches, the ubiquitous advice of “don’t share your password” is no longer enough. Passwords remain the primary keys to our most important digital assets, so following password security best practices is more critical than ever. Whether you’re securing email, networks, or individual user accounts, following password best practices can help protect your sensitive information from cyber threats.

Random but Memorable - Episode 11.8: Wrong Movie Airplane Tampering with Ken Munro

We're taking a trip to the movies this episode.🍿 With people speaking with ChatGPT for hours, are we bringing 2013’s sci-fi movie Her closer to reality? And can we really hack airplanes like that iconic scene in Die Hard 2? We unpack all that and more. We're also excited to welcome back friend-of-the-show, Ken Munro, from Pen Test Partners. Ken shares his latest wild discoveries pen-testing airplane security during the pandemic.🔒✈️