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Password Management

Password Manager for IT Teams

Without a password manager, it’s difficult for IT administrators to have visibility and control over employee password practices. This gap places organizations at a greater risk of suffering password-related cyber attacks which can lead to a devastating data breach. Keeper Password Manager helps IT teams gain complete visibility and control over employee passwords while providing them with best-in-class security, and enabling better collaboration and productivity between team members.

How to Share a Keeper Record on Android

Keeper’s Android mobile app makes it easy to securely share records with friends and family. To share a record with another Keeper user, select the record from your vault and tap Share, then Share with User. Enter the user's email address or select it from the dropdown, then use the toggle buttons to choose what permissions the user will receive such as: “Can Edit”, “Can Share” and "Make Owner". If you do not enable any permissions, the user will have “view only” access. Upon tapping Save, the user will receive an email notifying them that you have shared a record.

What Is Ciphertext?

Ciphertext refers to data that is encrypted and unreadable. The only way to read encrypted data is by decrypting it using an encryption key. Since ciphertext can’t be read without providing the encryption key, it’s the best way to protect your sensitive data from prying eyes and unauthorized access. Continue reading to learn more about ciphertext and the important role it plays in cybersecurity.

Stephen Balkam explains how parents can keep their children safe online

It’s a concern for families everywhere: keeping kids safe online. For parents with teenagers, there’s the added complication of trying to balance a child’s safety with their right to privacy. But is online safety just families’ problem?

Keeper Simplifies Logins With a Passphrase Generator

Keeper Security is pleased to announce that passphrases are now supported in the Keeper Vault. Passphrases provide a highly secure yet easy-to-remember approach to logins for all users, and can be both generated and stored with Keeper. Keeper’s passphrase generator is a new option within its existing password generator. Users and admins will have the choice of which generator they would like to use or enforce for their organization.

How To Prevent Brute Force Attacks

Brute force attacks are one of the most common methods used by cybercriminals to steal credentials from organizations. To prevent brute force attacks, organizations need to enforce the use of strong and unique passwords, invest in a business password manager, require employees to enable MFA, monitor and limit login attempts, implement passwordless authentication and delete inactive accounts.

Password Length vs Complexity: Which Is More Important?

In this video, learn about the differences between password length and complexity, which is more important, and four tips to improve password security in your organization. Learn more about: Resources and social media: Transcript: It’s no secret that passwords aren’t foolproof. In fact, the most common way that hackers infiltrate an organization is through stolen credentials. But until the day that everything has shifted to passwordless authentication, passwords are still necessary. So, how can we make them as strong and effective as possible?