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Digital Identity

Top 3 Ways to Win at Player Onboarding and KYC

For online gaming, player onboarding and Know Your Customer (KYC) processes are critical components of player engagement, retention, and compliance. Effective onboarding ensures that players can easily and quickly start playing games, while KYC helps protect operators from fraud, money laundering, and underage gambling. However, these processes can also create friction for players, leading to drop-offs and abandonment.

How to Detect Identity Breaches (Before It's Too Late)

The faster an identity breach is detected, the faster an organization can take steps to reduce the impact of the data breach. Faster detection times and notifications to impacted staff and organizations can result in lower data breach recovery costs and help save a company’s reputation.

PAN Verification API for the Gaming Industry: What You Need to Know

One of the guiding principles for organisations, whether they are major corporations or small firms, is to ensure compliance. Enforcing compliance helps organisations to adhere to fraud prevention guidelines, identify rule infractions, and shield a corporation from unwarranted penalties and legal action. PAN verification is one such crucial process before onboarding consumers, clients, and third parties in order to remain compliant and within the law.

Breaking Docker Named Pipes SYSTEMatically: Docker Desktop Privilege Escalation - Part 2

In the previous blog post, we described how the Docker research started and showed how we could gain a full privilege escalation through a vulnerability in Docker Desktop. In this follow-up blog post, we will show the other vulnerable functions we were able to exploit.

The Benefits of Customized Regtech Solutions for SIs and their Clients

As a service provider for obligated organizations, it is essential to understand the factors driving the need for collaboration with regtech providers. It’s not just about adopting new technology; the real potential lies in effectively addressing anti-money laundering (AML) threats and streamlining regulatory compliance. Regulators consider regtech to be critical to modernizing the financial sector and ensuring clarity in supervisory expectations.

Top Identity Verification challenges faced by regulated industries and How to overcome them

Identity verification has become an essential aspect of various industries in today’s world. With the advent of technology and the growth of the digital economy, it has become increasingly important for businesses to verify the identities of their customers, clients, and partners. However, regulated industries such as finance, healthcare, and gambling face unique identity verification challenges due to the sensitive nature of their services and the regulatory requirements they must comply with.

Cloud Identity Security: It Doesn't Taste Like Chicken

There’s a scene in the original “Matrix” movie when Neo is sitting in the grimy kitchen with the rest of the crew and eating gray, runny slop. No matter what new version of gray slop they eat, they always seem to think that it tastes like chicken. When confronted with something new, it’s a natural human trait to relate it back to something we already know.