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GitHub Backup Essentials: Download a Single File from GitHub

When it comes to data management in software development you, as a developer, should know how to efficiently download a single GitHub file. Often, devs and project managers need to download individual files for local testing, archival purposes, version comparison, or any other reason you can make up. It can seem daunting. In this article, we will guide you through various methods to download a single file from the GitHub repository, whether it’s public or private repository.

Pulumi VS Terraform: The Definitive Guide to Choosing Your IaC Tool

In the cloud-native era, Infrastructure as Code (IaC; read more about it in this blog here) has become the de-facto standard for managing cloud infrastructure, and more. While Terraform has been around for almost a decade, and it had been the one-and-only cloud-agnostic option for a couple of years before competitors emerged, now the landscape is a whole lot more diverse: we've got AWS CDK, CDK for Terraform, and there is a relatively new kid on the block: Pulumi.

10 GitHub Security Best Practices

The security landscape is constantly changing. As such, this blog has been updated to reflect the risks developers and security teams face today and how to overcome them. In our rapidly advancing, code-dominated digital landscape, safeguarding your codebase takes center stage. GitHub is the go-to platform for code sharing and version control in the developer community. However, given its widespread adoption, GitHub is not immune to many of the security challenges that developers face daily.

Cloudflare breach - How the Okta attack led to Cloudflare systems getting hacked: Breach Breakdown

In this video, we drill down into the recent breach of Cloudflare systems including how attackers were able to use stolen credentials from the Okta attack to move laterally and hack the Cloudflare internal Atlassian server. The security incident shows the dangers of secrets sprawl not only in internal systems but also in the supply chain leading to potential data leaks.

Securing the Gateway - Mastering API Security in the Modern Web Landscape

APIs are the backbone of modern web applications, yet we rarely assess security beyond the traditional WAFs and Gateways. In fact, in a recent scan of over 1.5k GraphQL endpoints revealed a staggering 46,000+ security issues and sensitive data leaks—all accessible without authentication, with 10% classified as critical. Due to API’s being widely used by developers, they have now become a favored attack vector for threat actors.

GitGuardian Honeytoken For Peace Of Mind

GitGuardian Honeytokens can help you stay safe as you tackle secrets sprawl at scale. Deploying GitGuardian honeytokens into all of your repositories will give you an immediate warning system, letting you know when someone scans your repos or if they they get leaked onto the public internet. Dealing with a large number of incidents is already challenging enough, Use GitGuardian honeytokens to buy some peace of mind while you work to eliminate secrets sprawl.