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Email Security

Evasive Phishing Kits Exposed: Cato Networks' In-Depth Analysis and Real-Time Defense

Phishing remains an ever persistent and grave threat to organizations, serving as the primary conduit for infiltrating network infrastructures and pilfering valuable credentials. According to an FBI report phishing is ranked number 1 in the top five Internet crime types. Recently, the Cato Networks Threat Research team analyzed and mitigated through our IPS engine multiple advanced Phishing Kits, some of which include clever evasion techniques to avoid detection.

8 Essential Cybersecurity Topics

The importance of security awareness It’s well worth taking the time to craft a meaningful and engaging security awareness program. By presenting the right mix of information to your users in a compelling way, you can empower them to help you improve your organization’s security posture as well as create a more robust security culture overall. The cybersecurity topics that you include in your program should be relevant to your business and industry, of course.

Essential Cybersecurity Topics

The importance of security awareness It’s well worth taking the time to craft a meaningful and engaging security awareness program. By presenting the right mix of information to your users in a compelling way, you can empower them to help you improve your organization’s security posture as well as create a more robust security culture overall. The cybersecurity topics that you include in your program should be relevant to your business and industry, of course.

Launching email security insights on Cloudflare Radar

During 2021's Birthday Week, we announced our Email Routing service, which allows users to direct different types of email messages (such as marketing, transactional, or administrative) to separate accounts based on criteria such as the recipient’s address or department. Its capabilities and the volume of messages routed have grown significantly since launch.

New Research: Spike In DNS Queries Driving Phishing and Cyber Attacks

New analysis of DNS queries shows material growth in phishing, malware and botnets and offers insight into how many threats the average person experiences. Most of the reports I cover use detection on an endpoint, a security solution, or the corporate network for their analysis, but the 2024 Annual Security Report from DNSFilter feels a bit more impartial because it uses DNS queries to determine whether whether malicious activity is occuring.

Phishing Kit Targets the FCC and Crypto Exchanges

Researchers at Lookout have discovered a sophisticated phishing kit that’s targeting employees at the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC), as well as employees of cryptocurrency exchanges Binance and Coinbase. The kit also targets users of cryptocurrency platforms, including Binance, Coinbase, Gemini, Kraken, ShakePay, Caleb & Brown and Trezor.

Phishers Abusing Legitimate but Neglected Domains To Pass DMARC Checks

A recent great article by BleepingComputer about domain hijacking and DMARC abuse reminded me that many companies and people do not understand DMARC well enough to understand what it does and how it helps to prevent phishing. And look-alike and neglected domains challenge its protective value to unknowledgeable email recipients. This article is about how to understand and proactively use DMARC. DMARC.

Why you should be concerned about the largest phishing attack on Azure so far, and what you can do about it

Azure customers are facing the biggest threat to their privileged accounts. A cybersecurity firm has identified the spread of a new phishing campaign aimed at privileged users like sales directors, account managers, finance managers, vice presidents, presidents, chief financial officers, and CEOs. The campaign’s first set of attacks started around November 2023 and is still a looming threat. The good thing is that you can safeguard against and mitigate this attack.

Email Deliverability: Finding and Fixing Issues with GlockApps

Are your email campaigns not producing the expected results? Do you have disappointingly low open rates, or worse, are your emails getting lost in the spam folder? If so, you're not alone because almost every marketer faces email deliverability issues. But there is good news, and it is that they're not impossible to overcome. In this article, we'll cover the ins and outs of finding and fixing email deliverability issues so that your messages are received by your audience and read on time.