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Email Security

Phishing Attacks Are Abusing Legitimate Services to Avoid Detection

Microsoft warns that threat actors are abusing legitimate file-hosting services to launch phishing attacks. These attacks are more likely to bypass security filters and appear more convincing to employees who frequently use these services. “Legitimate hosting services, such as SharePoint, OneDrive, and Dropbox, are widely used by organizations for storing, sharing, and collaborating on files,” Microsoft says.

What Is Payloadless Malware?

This malicious tactic enables cybercriminals to sneak into an organization’s email network or other systems without the payloads typically associated with harmful software. The payloadless method leverages harder-to-detect malware delivery techniques and psychological manipulation to execute attacks. It reflects the ingenuity of threat actors and emphasizes the need for organizations to never stop revamping their security strategies.

The Number of Malicious Emails Reaching Inboxes Is Declining

New research shows that less malicious emails are getting past security scanners to the inbox, but also provides details about how phishing emails are becoming increasingly dangerous. So much of our training is centered around elevating the employee’s state of cyber awareness so that when they do come across that sketchy email or that too good to be true web page, they know better. But it’s only one part of a larger cybersecurity effort within an organization.

Analyzing the Latest APWG Phishing Activity Trends Report: Key Findings and Insights

In the second quarter of 2024, 877,536 phishing attacks were reported, a marked decrease from the 963,994 attacks reported in the first quarter of the same year. However, this might not be a reason to celebrate just yet, as this reduction might be due to the fact that email providers have made it increasingly difficult for users to report phishing attempts.

"Operation Kaerb" Takes Down Sophisticated Phishing-as-a-Service Platform "iServer"

A partnering of European and Latin American law enforcement agencies took down the group behind the mobile phone credential theft of 483,000 victims. Someone steals a physical mobile phone and they need to unlock it. But to do so, you need the Apple ID or Google account of the phone’s owner. So, where do you go? Well, it used to be iServer – an automated phishing-as-a-service platform that could harvest credentials to unlock the stolen phones.

Top Free Crucial Tools for Maintaining Privacy In Online Reviews

Your online reputation matters, right? With everyone sharing opinions about everything, keeping your privacy intact while dealing with reviews is crucial. Think about it - do you really want all your personal data floating around with every click? There are tools out there that help keep things under wraps. You might be surprised at what's available. Let's explore the five must-have tools to ensure you stay private while still hearing what people have to say about their experiences.

The Mobile Phishing Boom and How to Avoid It

As mobile technology becomes integral to day-to-day life, fraudsters are refining phishing techniques to exploit vulnerabilities in mobile browsing. According to Zimperium’s 2024 zLabs Global Mobile Threat report, 82% of phishing sites specifically targeted mobile devices in 2023. To protect customer data, enterprises need to counter-adapt.

Google App Scripts Become the Latest Way to Establish Credibility and Automate Phishing Attacks

Cybercriminals have found a new way of leveraging legitimate web services for malicious purposes, this time with the benefit of added automation of campaign actions. Security researchers at CheckPoint have discovered a new phishing campaign that uses Google App Scripts – a scripting platform developed by Google that lets you integrate with and automate tasks across Google products – as the destination in malicious links.

Why Scammers Love the Holidays, and How to Stop Holiday Phishing Risks

For phishing scammers, the holidays are the most wonderful time of the year – or so holiday phishing trends would suggest. Cyberint research shows that phishing alerts surged by 46 percent last December compared to the monthly average observed throughout the year. Similarly, an Akamai study found a 150 percent increase in phishing victims between mid-October and late November 2021.