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Email Security

U.K. Residents are Victims of the Latest Phishing Scam Targeting Starbuck Customer Credentials

Analysis of a new phishing attack highlight just how easy it can be to spot these kinds of attacks if recipients were properly educated. Action Fraud, the U.K.’s national fraud & cyber reporting center, recently warned U.K. residents of a scam impersonating Starbucks.

Rockstar 2FA: A Driving Force in Phishing-as-a-Service (PaaS)

Trustwave SpiderLabs has been actively monitoring the rise of Phishing-as-a-Service (PaaS) platforms, which are increasingly popular among threat actors. In our previous blog, we explored the appeal of these platforms and discussed various major phishing kits today. In this two-part blog, we'll focus on a phishing kit named ‘Rockstar 2FA’ that is linked to widespread adversary-in-the-middle (AiTM) phishing attacks.

Email Security Limitations of Microsoft 365 Defender

We probably do not need to cover this, but we’ll provide a quick overview – M365 has a host of advantages, including scalability and convenience. Because the platform is cloud-based, businesses can effortlessly access their data and applications and shift to fully remote or hybrid working models without the common challenges of such a transition.

Breakdown of Takedown: An Overview of Tackling Phishing Threats

Every year, more and more companies are confronted with website and email spoofing worldwide. Cyber criminals use fake websites and fake email accounts for phishing, spear phishing and social engineering attacks to commit fraud, redirect web traffic, or manipulate search engine rankings. The disarming, or takedown, of these fake domains is a real challenge for more and more security teams. This is because cyber criminals are becoming increasingly professional in their spoofing activities.

Cybersecurity in Gaming: protecting players and virtual assets from growing threats

Cybersecurity is becoming a critical necessity in today's world, where technology is used in virtually every aspect of life. Every year, the number of cyberattacks grows, and the methods of attackers are becoming more sophisticated. Protecting personal data, financial information and corporate secrets requires reliable technologies and increased attention from users. The gaming industry is also an important area that needs protection.

Understanding the Risks and Mitigation of Phishing Attacks in 2024

Even though cybersecurity is always changing, phishing attacks are still a threat that is getting worse. The goal of these attacks is to get people to give up private data like passwords, financial information, or company secrets by using social engineering tricks. As technology has improved, phishing schemes have grown more complex in 2024. They now use convincing methods to target both people and businesses. According to new studies, 91% of cyberattacks start with a phishing email.

Out of 29 Billion Cybersecurity Events, Phishing was the Primary Method of Initial Attack

The newly released single largest analysis of cyber attacks across all of 2023 show a strong tie between the use of phishing and techniques designed to gain credentialed access. I’ve stood on the “phishing is a problem” soapbox for many years, attempting to focus the attention of cybersecurity teams on the single largest problem within the organization: the employees that fall for social engineering tactics time and time again.

Phishing Attacks Exploit Microsoft Visio Files and SharePoint

Threat actors are exploiting Microsoft Visio files and SharePoint to launch two-step phishing attacks, according to researchers at Perception Point. “Perception Point’s security researchers have observed a dramatic increase in two-step phishing attacks leveraging.vsdx files – a file extension rarely used in phishing campaigns until now,” the researchers explain.

Emerging Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP) obfuscation technique used in over 7% of global phishing attacks, exploiting TikTok, Google, and Instagram

Egress’ Threat Intelligence Team has identified that over 7% of global phishing attacks now use an emerging obfuscation technique that employs Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP) links to mask malicious URLs. Often embedded in phishing emails that impersonate well-known brands, threat actors aim to undermine the 'hover' technique taught in most security awareness training programs.

Don't use DirtyWords: Fake Word documents phishing Microsoft credentials

CYJAX has identified a novel phishing technique which is used to harvest Microsoft credentials via websites which are masqueraded as locked Microsoft Word documents. This technique, which CYJAX is calling DirtyWord, uses a blurred Word document as the page background to inform the user that they must log in to view the document. Whilst CYJAX has not observed the delivery mechanism of the phish, it appears that it likely occurs through spear-phishing emails.