
Unraveling ATM Transaction Reversal Fraud: Strategies to Safeguard Your Finances

Picture a quaint, small town enveloped in the tranquility of a peaceful night. The only signs of life are flickering street lamps and the glow from the neighborhood automated teller machine (ATM). You spot someone approach the ATM, withdraw cash and walk away. It all looks so normal. What you don’t realize is that you have just witnessed a fraud attack, specifically, transaction reversal fraud (TRF).

iOS Application Penetration Testing Checklist [153 Test Cases in a Free Excel File]

Get Free iOS Application Penetration Testing Checklist Apple’s recent release of iOS 16 for the iPhone brings important new security features. Despite the inherent security features of iOS, additional measures, techniques, and guidelines can be employed to fortify the protection of user data and ensure privacy. Having previously covered the Android penetration testing checklist and security assessment, it is time to focus on iOS.

Russian Threat Actor Targets Ukraine Government And Military With Spear Phishing Emails

Russia’s APT28 (also known as “Fancy Bear” or “BlueDelta”) is using spear phishing to compromise Ukrainian government and military entities, according to researchers at Recorded Future. The phishing emails are designed to exploit vulnerabilities in the open-source webmail software Roundcube.

Part 2: Preparing the Board of Directors for the SEC's Upcoming Cybersecurity Compliance Regulations

In March 2022, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued a proposed rule, the Cybersecurity Risk Management, Strategy, Governance, and Incident Disclosure, that, if adopted, would require companies to disclose their cybersecurity governance capabilities and the role of the board concerning oversight of cyber risk.

California State Retirees Hit by Data Breach: More than 770,000 Impacted

Both CalPERS and CalSTRS are agencies that manage retirement funds and health benefits for retired California teachers, government employees, and more types of public service employees. These organizations handle a huge amount of personal and financial data for teachers and other individuals, and they even handle pensions for them. That's why it's so upsetting to learn that both CalPERS and CalSTRS were impacted by a recent data breach.

Enhancing Security and Asset Management with AI/ML in Cato Networks' SASE Product

We just introduced what we believe is a unique application of real-time, deep learning (DL) algorithms to network prevention. The announcement is hardly our foray into artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). The technologies have long played a pivotal role in augmenting Cato’s SASE security and networking capabilities, enabling advanced threat prevention and efficient asset management. Let’s take a closer look.

Benefits of Using NFV with SASE

In today's digital era, businesses actively strive to heighten network agility, boost security, and slash operational costs. Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) stand at the forefront of this revolution, reshaping enterprise networking and security. NFV breathes new life into traditional, hardware-based network functions, turning them into versatile, software-based solutions deployable on virtualized infrastructure.

Be Smart About Attack Surface Management Automation

Smart automation in ASM refers to the application of intelligent and adaptive technologies and tools to automate the attack surface management process. By leveraging machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence technologies, enterprises can automate discovery and threat exposure, drastically reducing the time and resources required for the process. They can also minimize false positives and false negatives.

Top 10 Questions About the Apache License

According to research, the Apache 2.0 license is the most popular license of its kind, as 30% of open source licenses currently in use is Apache. Owing to its frequent use, it’s important to understand how the license works, its benefits, limitations, implications, and requirements. To help you, here are ten frequently asked questions about it.

Ransomware detections on endpoints increase by 627%

Ransomware is still present and growing across the threat landscape, to the extent that some organizations now include the cost of a ransomware attack in their annual budgets. Data from our Internet Security Report - Q4 2022 reveals that ransomware detections on endpoints rose by an alarming 627% in 2022 compared to the previous year. While ransomware does not discriminate by industry type, the report clearly shows the manufacturing sector was the most affected during 2022.