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Open Source

How to manage open source risks using Black Duck SCA

Open source risk goes beyond application security. Legal, operational, and supply chain implications demand a capable solution like Black Duck SCA. Open source can be found in everything; nearly all applications in all industries are composed to some degree of open source. The introduction of more cloud-native applications, more open source usage as a whole, and the creation of more-complex applications mean organizations are facing increasing levels of risk.

How to Set Up an Open Source Strategy

Open source components have become the basic building blocks of software applications, comprising 60%-80% of the software projects. As open source usage has established itself as an industry standard and the default choice of software production, software development organizations are required to set up an open source strategy.

Six key findings from the 'DevSecOps Practices and Open Source Management in 2020' report

This week Synopsys released the “DevSecOps Practices and Open Source Management in 2020” report, findings from a survey of 1,500 IT professionals working in cyber security, software development, software engineering, and web development. The report explores the strategies that organizations around the world are using to address open source vulnerability management, as well as the problem of outdated or abandoned open source components in commercial code.

2020 Gartner Market Guide for Software Composition Analysis

The 2020 Gartner Market Guide for SCA is here! Recent Gartner survey finds that over 90% of organizations leverage OSS in application development - and as a result, security of open source packages was the highest ranked concern for respondents. These concerns have led to a growing market, addressed by various vendors for SCA tools that mitigate the risk of OSS. New trends emerge with devops on the rise - as the market shifts towards developer-friendly SCA tools.

Making SCA part of your AST Strategy

Open source software is now used in nearly every organization, which makes it critical to know your code. Learn how an SCA tool can help you. There’s an ongoing sea change in how developers ensure a more secure software development life cycle (SDLC). “Shift left” is the notion that creating high-quality software begins with planning and continues through the development and testing stages to actual deployment.

DIY Guide to Open Source Vulnerability Management

You've realized you need to do a better job of tracking and managing your open source as well as the vulnerabilities and licenses associated with it. How hard can vulnerability management be? Do you really need special tools? After all, the license and vulnerability information is publicly available. Once you get a list of open source components and do some Google searching, you should be all set, right?