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One Click Hijack: TikTok Android App Users at Risk?

Amidst the havoc that has been data breaches, another one bites the dust! Microsoft on Wednesday disclosed that they had found a high-severity flaw in the Android version of the TikTok app that gives the hackers a free way to hijack a user's accounts with One SINGLE click. The issue had apparently been reported to Tiktok back in February and was quickly fixed before it could be exploited.

What is Cheaper? Open-Source vs. Commercialized Mobile App Security Testing Tools

When choosing automated mobile app security testing tools, mobile app development companies have two options: open-source and commercialized tools. But which one should you go for? Or, to be more precise, which one’s cheaper? If you have these questions on your mind, you’ve come to the right place. This blog explicitly differentiates open-source mobile app security testing tools from commercialized ones based on different factors, including cost.

Protecting K-12 Student Data and Complying With Privacy Standards Requires a Comprehensive Security Solution

The education systems, including K-12 school institutions, are in the crosshairs of increasingly frequent and sophisticated cyberattacks. In just one month of 2021, educational organizations suffered more than 5.8 million malware incidents. Teachers, administrators and students are also targets as they use various devices such as laptops and smartphones to browse social media or send messages with friends and family.

5 Quick Takeaways from the Verizon Mobile Security Index 2022

Netskope is proud to have again contributed data and insights to Verizon’s annual Mobile Security Index, one of the most influential reports in the industry for evaluating mobile security trends. This report is based on a survey of hundreds of professionals responsible for buying, managing, and securing mobile and IoT devices, making it highly relevant to cybersecurity decision makers who deal with the challenges of hybrid work. Here are some of the highlights.

ROI of Automated Mobile App Security & Privacy Testing

Several companies aren't still aware of the fact that automated mobile app security testing brings better ROI than manual testing. Perhaps, they don't know what aspects of automation testing directly or indirectly impact the ROI. However, we got you covered. This blog discusses three almost hidden ways in which automation testing impacts and holds the potential to improve your ROI. And by the end, you'll be convinced to transition to complete automation testing.

What Does the Future of Password Security Look Like?

Passwords seem seriously inadequate for security in our lives. It seems they are always getting compromised or hacked through security flaws in apps, and they never seem strong enough. Most of us will be familiar with the headaches of finding the perfect 8-character-long password, only to be told that you’ve used that one before. Even though we know we should use a different password for every secure video conference or site we create accounts for, it’s hard to remember more than one!

Mobile Device Security Guide: Securing your iOS and Android devices

There’s no doubt that mobile devices have become an integral part of our lives. We use them to stay connected with friends and family, get directions, check the news, and more. They’re always with us, convenient, versatile (texts, messages, calls, Internet, etc), keep us connected and loads another top reasons….in short, making our life easier! This is where mobile device security comes in, which helps protect your device from potential threats.

Establishing a mobile device vulnerability management program

The introduction of mobile devices has rapidly changed the world as we know it, as these small gadgets that are intended to fit into the palm of our hands rapidly gained dominance over our day-to-day activities. Thanks to these portable devices, we now have access to an abundance of information available to us on demand with minimal effort.

Proven Ways to Slash Mobile App Security Costs

Mobile app security testing is expensive, and that’s a fact. For instance, a single quality penetration test costs around $20,000-$30,000. But do you essentially have to pay this high for the service? Mobile app development companies are cutting costs because of the economic meltdown or investors pulling out. And this could make it hard to set aside tens of thousands of dollars just for penetration testing, right? Moreover, without the right budget, how would you manage app security? Solution?