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Datadog on Web Security Standards

Modern web applications are incredibly complex. Frameworks, javascript, and dependency management have made understanding and maintaining a baseline security standard maximum difficulty. With attack vectors like those listed in the OWASP Top 10 it can be incredibly difficult to know where to start and what the metrics for success are. Every web browser today supports a variety of "secure headers". These headers can be served as part of each response from the web server stack and can prevent a variety of common attacks. Perhaps the most impactful among these is content security policy headers or CSP.

Nightfall Cloud Data Loss Prevention Console UI Demo

The Nightfall platform is a SaaS data protection solution known for its impressive scope of coverage and accuracy. Now, thanks to new features that have been baked into the Nightfall Console, users will have an enhanced functionality and user experience. Central to this update is a unified dashboard UI that allows for alerts to be viewed and managed from a central screen. Watch this announcement video to learn more!

The 443 Podcast Episode 203 - USA's Answer to GDPR

This week on the podcast, we discuss the current cyber skills gab and a federal program designed to help combat it. After that, we dive in to the American Data Privacy protection Act and what it potentially means if passed by US Congress. We end this week with a quick update on Microsoft's attempts to protect users from malicious macro-enabled documents. The 443 Security Simplified is a weekly podcast that gets inside the minds of leading white-hat hackers and security researchers, covering the latest cybersecurity headlines and trends.

How to Prevent Data Breaches

The data breach trend seems to be increasing. More and more companies are being targeted by the day, and it seems as though no company is immune to this type of crime. This is likely because hackers are becoming better at finding and exploiting vulnerabilities in all types of systems. Cybercriminals are exploiting companies of all sizes and getting more and more profits from these attacks. There are several things you can do to protect your business from data breaches. In this blog, we discuss all about the data breaches-trend and the 3 important data protection tips to combat this trend.