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Tracking Malicious Activity across the Sumo Attack Lifecycle

In modern network security monitoring, it is not enough to just detect bad things happening. ROI of security operations is always under scrutiny. Security teams, when they exist, and their leadership (CISOs), continually struggle to get budget, at least until a public breach occurs.

Knowledge Management with Netwrix Data Classification

This short video explains how Netwrix Data Classification can help you unleash the full power of your data and maximize the productivity of project teams. Your organization has unique and valuable knowledge assets, intellectual capital and experience — but are you able to leverage that content for maximum business advantage? More often, corporate memory is short, knowledge workers struggle to untangle the data chaos, and experience is lost forever when employees leave the company.

Pokemon - Next Generation SOC From Theory to Practice

This session will focus on developing a modern security operations center (SOC) from the ground up leveraging progressive technologies and process. Pokemon will cover the original plan and execution strategy over the past 18 months. They will also highlight Sumo Logic's role in both security architecture and operations and map the map ahead for both Sumo and our SOC.