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How to Sign .EXE File Using YubiKey Manager? - Detailed Guide from

Learn how to sign windows executables using YubiKey! Whenever you are individual software developer or a organization needs to publish software, code signing gets performed. It helps to build a trustworthy relationship with end-users, as signed software eliminates Unknown Publisher Warnings. According to new CA/Browser policies, every certificate owner needs to store the private key in a hardware token. And the token must align with FIPS standards. Otherwise, the certificate will not get issued.

Random but Memorable - Episode 10.9: Artificial Intelligence Mega Mixtape

In this episode we're bringing you a very special AI Edition of Watchtower Weekly. Tune in as we explain why all the headlines about AI cracking passwords are actually old news. And how AI is making pop fans’ fantasies come true. 🤖🔤🎶 We're also joined by Anna Pobletts for This Week at 1Password, where we unveil “Passage by 1Password” and two exciting new products: Passkey Complete and Passkey Flex. Settle in to find out what these solutions mean for passkeys and the passwordless future.

The 443 Episode 244 - Naming APTs

This week on the podcast, we cover Microsoft's latest refresh of naming conventions for advanced persistent threat (APT) actors worldwide, as well as an update on two specific threat actors and their latest tactics. We also cover a ransomware event targeting a biotechnology company with an interesting twist. The 443 Security Simplified is a weekly podcast that gets inside the minds of leading white-hat hackers and security researchers, covering the latest cybersecurity headlines and trends.

Webinar - Solving the Secrets Management Puzzle

Secrets sprawl is showing no signs of a slowdown. Last month, we revealed 1 in 10 code authors exposed a secret on GitHub in 2022, collectively leaking 10 million secrets (you read that right, T-E-N) on the platform. This time, we're stepping beyond the data. We went on a (virtual) field trip and asked 500+ CISOs and engineering leaders how they currently deal with hardcoded secrets, how they intend to solve their organization's secrets management puzzle, their top priorities and investment areas in AppSec and Dev tooling, and many other questions!

Top Tips to Secure Your Organization from Cybercrime in Today's World | ChatGPT

In this informative video, we share our expert advice on how organizations can effectively safeguard themselves from the ever-present threat of cybercrime in today's world. By following these top tips, you can enhance your organization's cybersecurity posture and protect your valuable assets.

The Role of AI in Cybersecurity: Will it Replace Human Professionals?

In this thought-provoking video, we address one of the burning questions in the field of cybersecurity: Will AI replace human professionals in the future? While AI undoubtedly has the potential to automate certain tasks and enhance the efficiency of cybersecurity operations, it is unlikely to completely replace human cyber security professionals.