Strange Bedfellows: Software, Security and the Law

Strange Bedfellows: Software, Security and the Law

Jul 21, 2023

The ongoing rise in cyberattacks across the software supply chain and a shifting regulatory landscape are forging an unlikely alliance between CISOs, software leaders and legal experts. Privacy, the shifting and diverse regulatory landscape, liability and new AI/ML use cases all present unique challenges and opportunities for risk management, but to best navigate these challenges, legal teams must be involved, too. Why? Because today, software vulnerabilities can represent not just a business risk but a legal risk.

During this live panel roundtable, experts from security, software and legal disciplines discuss some of the top cyberlaw and legal topics affecting software supply chain security, including:

  • The impact of shifting liability for insecure software onto software developers and away from consumers as proposed in the National Cybersecurity Strategy
  • How these changes will affect the open source community
  • Managing open source license risk
  • The increasing need for technical due diligence in M & A activity
  • Ensuring the security of third-party software supply chains