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PowerShell SMB Scanner: Lightweight Tool for Red Team SMB Enumeration (OpenSource)

A lightweight, PowerShell-based SMB enumeration and data-gathering tool for red team engagements and penetration testing. This tool is designed to work natively on Windows without the need for external dependencies like Python or Linux-based utilities.

Best Practices for Securing Web Applications Against Modern Threats

Application programming interfaces (APIs) are critical in modern software development. APIs define rules and protocols that enable applications to communicate and share data with other systems. This communication enables developers to leverage the functionality of existing applications rather than recreating those functions and services from scratch. As a result, APIs accelerate software development and enable innovation, collaboration, and automation.

Why FWaaS Is the Only Way Out of Endless Appliance Patching

There was a time when owning a cassette or video player came with a side gig as a repair technician. Whether it was cleaning tape heads, fixing jammed reels, or rewinding tapes, maintenance was unavoidable. With streaming services, all of that effort has become a relic of the past. Music and videos now live in the cloud, accessible at any time, without the headaches of hardware upkeep. It’s a seamless experience—no more troubleshooting, just pure content consumption.

IIoT Security Threats Reshape Factory Protection Strategies

Modern factories are increasingly relying on Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) solutions. This shift is beneficial in many regards, including higher efficiency and transparency, but it also introduces unique cybersecurity concerns. Better vulnerability management for IIoT systems is essential if companies hope to make the most of this technology. The White House’s 2024 cybersecurity report named critical infrastructure risks and supply chain exploits as two of the top threats facing the U.S.

What Is The Best Way To Protect Personal Information?

Due to Big Tech companies paying huge fines rather than taking action to protect personal information, many people are left concerned about their data, especially as data breaches pose a constant threat. As a result, if you or someone you know asks what is the best way to protect personal information, then this article will provide all the resources you need to share and use this valuable advice to increase your security and protect you and others online.

Automatic Audit Logs: new updates deliver increased transparency and accountability

Audit logs are a critical tool for tracking and recording changes, actions, and resource access patterns within your Cloudflare environment. They provide visibility into who performed an action, what the action was, when it occurred, where it happened, and how it was executed. This enables security teams to identify vulnerabilities, ensure regulatory compliance, and assist in troubleshooting operational issues. Audit logs provide critical transparency and accountability.

The 5 pillars of DORA: A detailed breakdown

The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) is a mandatory EU regulation that aims to unify various information and communications technology (ICT) risk management frameworks into one comprehensive set of guidelines and requirements. ‍ The regulation is built around five pillars that strengthen and facilitate the digital and operational resilience of entities in the finance and insurance sectors.

Breaking the Swivel Chair Cycle: Why Security Teams Struggle with Asset Visibility-and How to Fix It

For many security professionals, managing asset visibility feels like an endless game of whack-a-mole. They are stuck in what experts call the “swivel chair approach”—constantly pivoting between multiple dashboards, spreadsheets, and security tools to manually stitch together an understanding of their risk landscape.