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Sensitive Data Discovery Tools: Best Practices for GDPR, PII, and PCI Compliance

For most companies today, the question isn’t whether a data breach will occur, but rather when it will occur. This predicament is primarily due to the sheer volume of data, the challenges associated with monitoring sensitive data, and the transition to remote work. Consequently, IT security teams are constantly navigating a dynamic and enduring risk landscape, making it exceptionally challenging to maintain data security and implement effective sensitive data protection strategies.

SOC 2 or ISO 27001 - Which One Do You Need?

In the wide world of information security, there are many different frameworks, standards, and systems in use to help assume a secure stance against threats. Two commonly seen frameworks are SOC 2 and ISO 27001. How do these two stand in comparison to each other, and which one do you need for your business? Let’s discuss.

Cyber Essentials vs. Cyber Essentials Plus: Key differences

If you wish to fortify your organization’s cybersecurity posture, obtaining a Cyber Essentials certification is a good idea. It enables IT managers to be more aware of the cybersecurity risks in their environment and take actionable steps to mitigate them. Before you pursue it, though, you should decide between two certification levels: Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus. ‍ While both are cybersecurity assurance schemes, Cyber Essentials Plus offers a greater level of assurance.

How to get your Cyber Essentials certification: A process guide

Most organizations today are heavily reliant on technology, regardless of the product or service they provide. This expands their data exposure points and potential attack surface, which is why there is a significant need to monitor the risks and vulnerabilities in the cybersecurity landscape. ‍ Cyber Essentials certification is a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy involving vigilance over various scattered technologies, policies, and controls.

The critical risk in DORA financial regulations

Supply chain attacks are a growing concern, particularly within the financial sector, with attackers increasingly using key technology suppliers as a ‘jumpbox’ to pivot into their intended target organisation. Last year’s MOVEit breach for instance saw a single ICT supplier ultimately cause ~2,356 organisations to be compromised, with primary victims predominantly in the financial sector.

GitGuardian Introduces European Data Hosting to Ensure Data Sovereignty and GDPR Compliance

GitGuardian introduces European data hosting for its Secrets Detection Platform SaaS, ensuring data sovereignty and GDPR compliance. Discover how our new EU hosting options help enterprises meet regulatory requirements and protect sensitive data with ease.

How companies subject to HIPAA requirements manage sensitive data with Datadog

Healthcare organizations face unique challenges in managing and processing vast amounts of personal information, such as medical records, insurance information, Social Security numbers, and more. To accelerate patient care, these organizations are under pressure to rapidly share this information among providers, insurers, and patients—all within the landscape of a rapidly evolving cloud environment.

Understanding EAR Compliance Regulations: Tips for US and non-US Companies

Coauthored with Eva Galfi, CEO & Principal Consultant, International Trade Advisors Pty Ltd The Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) implements and enforces the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) to regulate the export, reexport and transfer (in-country) commercial and less sensitive military items. If you need to comply with or learn more about US export control requirements, read our 6 W’s EAR Compliance to help you comply with these strict U.S.

Monitoring Your Files for Security and Compliance

Have you ever stopped to consider all of the components that comprise a working automobile? Even a cursory examination reveals more parts than might be considered when we turn the ignition key. However, many of these components are useless when detached from the full product. A steering wheel without a car is not exactly an efficient mode of transportation.