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PHI Compliance: What It Is and How To Achieve It

For organizations that work in or partner with the healthcare industry, HIPAA compliance is of paramount importance. Keeping a patient’s medical records and personal information safe isn’t just a matter of avoiding penalties. It’s also key to building trust with patients and, ultimately, providing great patient care. Here’s what health organizations and their partners need to know about PHI and keeping it secure.

How to achieve MISRA and AUTOSAR coding compliance

Get practical steps for MISRA and AUTOSAR compliance to improve code quality, safety, and security in automotive software. Recent advancements in the automotive industry include the development of autonomous driving systems, connectivity units, and digital cockpits and infotainment systems that improve the user experience.

Announcing Synopsys as an OpenChain Project third-party certifier

Today, we are proud to announce the expansion of the partnership between Synopsys and the OpenChain project to include third-party certification. The OpenChain Project already recognizes the open source expertise of Synopsys in both the service provider and vendor space. This latest recognition ensures that Synopsys participates in and continuously aligns to the OpenChain Project and ISO/IEC 5230 compliance specification.

Egnyte Expands Content Governance and Compliance Solutions for Google Workspace and Dropbox

If you’re like most companies, your teams rely on a variety of cloud apps and storage solutions to get work done and collaborate with internal and external teams. While this flexibility is great for end users, it creates enormous complexity when it comes to data security and governance. IT teams must juggle multiple administrative dashboards, permissions configurations and access control policies across apps.

Overcoming Compliance Issues in Cloud Computing

The benefits of organizations moving some or all their IT workloads to the cloud are well-known and numerous. There are several challenges to successful cloud adoption, though, and one of the most important of them is compliance. Whether your cloud use case is low-cost data storage, scaling your infrastructure for critical business apps or disaster recovery, this article helps inform you about and overcome compliance issues in cloud computing.

Data privacy programmes deliver more than privacy adherence

Reduced costs, new revenue streams, greater customer trust and new markets The best data privacy programmes are granular. They assess the root of every data source, the nuances of every data use and the specifics of every way in which data is stored and shared. From that finite visibility, liabilities can be identified and appropriate remedies put in place that carefully balance the demands of the data subjects with the needs of the business.

Cybersecurity and Compliance for Healthcare Organizations

Amidst the pandemic overwhelming the capacity of many hospital systems, malicious hackers have been quick to target healthcare providers and medical agencies. These cyber-attacks have hit both the United States and Europe in recent months, serving as a reminder for organizations to closely review their information security posture during these times of uncertainty.