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Programmable Logic Controllers and Cybersecurity Risk

Considered the "brain" of industrial automation, programmable logic controllers (PLCs) are an important factor in industrial control systems (ICS), especially for critical infrastructure in the public sector. PLCs are an industrial computer used to control automated devices in a variety of industries, including industrial manufacturing and critical infrastructure. This article offers suggestions for PLC security risks, as well as cybersecurity standards for risk mitigation.

2024's Best GRC Platforms for Enterprises: An Expert Ranking

In today’s highly complex business landscape, enterprises are ever more aware of the need for robust governance, risk management, and compliance (GRC) capabilities. Hence the demand for effective GRC platforms has never been higher. These platforms not only assure that organizations stay on the right side of regulations. They also secure your business against a plethora of cyber threats and streamline governance processes.

The EU AI Act Explained: Implications for Your Business

The European Union’s Artificial Intelligence Act emerged at the end of 2023 as a landmark law for the digital age and for the regulation of artificial intelligence. It is the world’s first comprehensive AI legislation to govern the ethical development and safe use of AI technologies. The “EU AI Act,” as it’s known, strives to impose a balanced framework as businesses automate manual tasks and deploy AI algorithms to drive efficiency and innovation.

TPRM Strategies for India's Digital Personal Data Protection Act

India established a framework for protecting and processing personal data called the Digital Personal Data Protection Bill. After passing both houses of Parliament, this bill evolved into the Digital Personal Data Protection Act (DPDP) in 2023. This act creates a robust and comprehensive framework to protect sensitive information while supporting India's economic growth and digital transformation.

Introduction to Cloud Risk Management for Enterprises

Every business needs to manage risks. If not, they won’t be around for long. The same is true in cloud computing. As more companies move their resources to the cloud, they must ensure efficient risk management to achieve resilience, availability, and integrity. Yes, moving to the cloud offers more advantages than on-premise environments. But, enterprises must remain meticulous because they have too much to lose.

Risk Management in Aviation Logistics: Mitigating Challenges for Seamless Operations

As a trusted partner to the United States Government, aviation logistics consists of and involves the complex coordination of various activities to ensure the timely and efficient movement of goods and movement of people by way of air. With increased demand for faster, more expeditious forms of transportation, air transportation has grown exponentially and therefore the logistics sector faces multiple challenges that can disrupt operations and even sometimes result in jeopardizing safety.

Asset Importance: The Overlooked Factor in Cyber Risk Prioritization

This blog post delves into a critical yet often neglected aspect of cyber risk analysis —adding organizational context by understanding and prioritizing the importance of assets. Without considering the unique business context of an organization, security teams cannot effectively prioritize and remediate what matters most to their organization.

Top 10 Cybersecurity Questions to Ask Your Vendors: A step-by-step guide to reduce supply chain risk

A cybersecurity vendor questionnaire is vital in assessing the competency and reliability of potential partners. It serves as a comprehensive tool to evaluate various aspects crucial for safeguarding sensitive data and infrastructure. Through detailed inquiries about security protocols, compliance measures, incident response plans, and past breach incidents, the questionnaire helps gauge the vendor’s commitment to robust cybersecurity practices.

Beating LockBit at its Own Game: Law enforcement's takedown of a prolific ransomware group

After a years-long investigation, this week the FBI and law enforcement agencies in the UK and Europe took over the main website of the cybercrime group known as LockBit. Law enforcement additionally arrested LockBit associates in Poland, Ukraine, and the U.S. and the U.S. Treasury imposed sanctions on Russian nationals affiliated with the group. The joint operation re-engineered LockBit’s online system to mimic the countdown clock used by the group in its extortion attempts.

3 2 1... Impact! Early Results under the SEC's Cybersecurity Governance Rule

In July 2023, the SEC adopted a new rule requiring disclosure of “material” cybersecurity incidents and detailed information on cybersecurity risk management, strategy and governance by public companies. With the new rule taking effect in December and annual reports due for public release and consumption in the first few months 2024, companies are scrambling to closely review and hone their cyber programs to address these new reporting requirements.