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Forrester Includes SecurityScorecard in Cybersecurity Risk Ratings (CRR) Landscape Report

Recent high-profile data breaches attributed to SolarWinds, Log4j, MOVEit, and more have demonstrated that the world still lacks a standard framework to measure cyber risk. Cybercriminals continue to exploit the trusted relationships between companies and their third-party suppliers and vendors, resulting in damaging attacks.

Vendor Risk Assessments: Ultimate Guide

A vendor risk assessment is a critical element of performing due diligence, helping you vet potential vendors effectively and efficiently during the procurement process and throughout the vendor lifecycle. A thorough risk assessment should help you identify, mitigate, and manage the risks associated with your vendors to ensure you remain compliant, maintain a strong security posture, and avoid a costly third-party data breach.

Unveiling CPS 234 Challenges: Insights from APRA's Cyber Security Stocktake

Australia has seen several high profile cyber incidents in 2023 and has seen significant loss of customer data (Canva’s 139 million customers, Latitude’s 7.9 million customers HWL Ebsworth’s 65 government agencies, 2.5 million documents). According to the OAIC Notifiable Data Breaches Report: January to June 2023, the top 3 sectors in that period to report data breaches are Health Service Providers (65 notifications), Finance incl.

Best Industry Practices for Maintaining SOC 2 Compliance

As data breaches and cyberattacks become more widespread, most businesses are making information security and data privacy a top priority. That means they want to know whether your business can be trusted with their sensitive information. SOC 2 compliance is one of the most effective methods to instill that confidence.

U.S. Veteran Data Security: Third-Party Risk Management at the VA

The United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is a federal agency that provides comprehensive healthcare services, benefits, and support to military veterans and their families. The VA operates a nationwide system of hospitals, clinics, and benefits offices focused on ensuring the health, welfare, and dignity of those who served in the United States armed forces.

TSSR: Protecting Australian Telecos Against Cyber Threats

The telecommunications sector provides critical infrastructure for many countries, enabling the exchange of information across various industries. Due to the widespread use of digital information in telecommunications, the sector has become a prime target for cyber threats from hackers, state actors, and cyber criminals. In 2023, telecommunications experienced higher credential stuffing rates than other sections, according to F5.

Making Sense of the SEC's New Rules for Cybersecurity Risk and Disclosure (Part II)

Earlier this week, we debuted our mini-series on the SEC’s new cybersecurity rules. In case you missed it — and, understandably, don’t have the bandwidth to backtrack — Part I explored how the (seemingly perpetual) explosion in data creation, data value, and IT complexity since the dawn of the digital age has come to shape our society. In particular, we note why these trends are responsible for our current IT predicament, namely, the rise in threats, risks, and regulations.

Defender for Endpoint: Transforming Endpoint Security with Advanced Threat Protection

In an era where cyber threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated and pervasive, securing endpoints is paramount. Microsoft Defender for Endpoint emerges as a key player in the cybersecurity arena, offering comprehensive protection against a wide array of threats. This blog post delves into how Defender for Endpoint is revolutionizing endpoint security through the use of advanced threat protection technologies.

Including Digital Risk Protection in Your Threat Detection and Response Strategy

Many organizations focus on addressing the risks within their internal attack surface while overlooking the potential threats created by their external digital footprint on the surface, deep and dark web. This article outlines how companies can significantly mitigate this risk by combining digital risk protection with their detection and response approach.

Apache Superset - Database Data Retrieval Through Improper Error Handling

Anastasios Stasinopoulos from OBRELA LABS Team discovered a security flaw that affects Apache Superset (before 3.0.4, from 3.1.0 before 3.1.1), an open-source modern data exploration and visualization platform. Apache Superset error handling can be manipulated in order to allow data retrieval from the backend database.