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How Next DLP Automates Data Breach Investigations with Torq Hyperautomation

The following is adapted from a conversation between Torq and Robbie Jakob-Whitworth, Cybersecurity Solutions Architect at Next DLP. Next DLP is a leading provider of insider risk and data protection solutions. Read on to learn how Robbie has used Torq Hyperautomation to automate alerts and reduce alert fatigue within his organization.

Stop SOAR From Killing Your SOC Budget With Hyperautomation

Cyberthreats are escalating and SOC budgets are tightening. It’s a recipe for disaster, that is, unless you take advantage of new technologies that keep both in check. The fact is, businesses are now spending nearly a third of their cybersecurity budget towards running an in-house SOC, averaging out to $2.86 million per year, according to Ponemon.

No More SuckOps: How Hyperautomation is Transforming SOC Analysts' Lives Forever

Today’s SOC analysts are drowning in myriad notifications. They’re trying to parse what’s real, what matters, and what’s a genuine threat to the organization. This exhausting daily routine is significantly contributing to job dissatisfaction and the high turnover rate in SecOps teams. But there’s a major new innovation that solves it: AI-driven hyperautomation.

How to Save Your SOC Analysts From Alert Fatigue

SecOps teams face an unyielding barrage of security signals raised by various systems and tools. It’s estimated that 56% of large companies receive 1,000 or more alerts per day. SOC analysts are expected to wade through these alerts and determine which ones are important, which are low priority, and which are imperative. According to IDC, 83% of cybersecurity employees say they’re struggling to cope with the overwhelming alert volume.

Enhancing Cyber Defenses: The Benefits of Hyperautomation in Cybersecurity

Cyber threats are constantly evolving and becoming increasingly sophisticated, and organizations are continuously searching for ways to fortify their cybersecurity defenses. One approach that has gained significant traction is hyperautomation. Hyperautomation, which automates once-manual security workflows and processes, enhances cybersecurity posture, streamlines security operations, and effectively mitigates risks.

Detect and Respond to Threats Faster with Torq and Anvilogic

Is SIEM lock-in preventing the transformational impact of Torq Hyperautomation? Due to cost and scale challenges, endpoint activity, cloud telemetry, and network flows are often missing from detection and security automation. For security teams that keep these and other large datasets outside their SIEM, Anvilogic has teamed up with Torq to take SOC automation to the next level.

Implementing Hyperautomation: A Blueprint for Security Managers and SecOps Teams

One of the key questions we get is “how do I get started with hyperautomation?” It can seem slightly overwhelming if you haven’t automated in the past, or you’re used to attempting to automate using legacy SOAR solutions. If you’re wondering where to get started with hyperautomation, look no further. We caught up with Security Automation Leader Filip Stojkovski, who put together a handy blueprint on how and where to start your journey to hyperautomation.

UEBA Superpowers: Detect and Eliminate Advanced Threats with Machine Learning

In the fast-paced world of cybersecurity, where the threat landscape is continuously evolving, organizations face unprecedented challenges. An expanding attack surface, rising vulnerabilities, and a relentless onslaught of cyberattacks have significantly increased organizational risk.

5 Ways Integrated Capabilities Benefit Your SOC

Does your security team have dozens of tools to manage, all with disparate user experiences, data models, and capabilities? Unfortunately, this is the result of many traditional SIEM solutions that lack the ability to integrate all features. This creates a big challenge for your SOC because analysts have to ensure they’re using the right tool at the right time to detect attacks. But today, there’s a better option.

How To Achieve Vulnerability Remediation

Vulnerabilities are a major risk for organizations, and a major attack vector for threat actors. There were over 29,000 vulnerabilities published in 2023, amounting to over 3,800 more common vulnerabilities and exposure (CVEs) identifiers being issued last year than in 2022. But that doesn’t mean these most recent vulnerabilities are the only ones in a threat actor’s toolbox.