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How The Dark Web Continues to Threaten Businesses

The Internet is a massive space. Seven days a week, millions of web sites, files, and servers run 24 hours a day. Even so, it is just the tip of the iceberg that we surf and the visible websites that can be accessed using search engines such as Google and Yahoo. The Deep Web, which makes up approximately 90 percent of all websites, is underneath the ground. This hidden network is so massive that it is difficult to figure out at any given time how many pages or sites are currently involved.

Intrusion Prevention Systems explained: what is an IPS?

The goal of every cybersecurity strategy is to stop cyberthreats before they have a material impact. This has resulted in many organizations seeking to be more proactive in their response to potential threats by employing solutions to detect and prevent specific types of cyberattacks by monitoring for the earliest indicators of attacks found within network traffic.

AWS threat detection using CloudTrail and Sysdig Secure

Implementing AWS threat detection with Sysdig Secure takes just a few minutes. Discover how to improve the security of your cloud infrastructure using AWS CloudTrail and Sysdig Cloud Connector. With the rise of microservices and DevOps practices, a new level of dangerous actors threatens the cloud environment that governs all of your infrastructure. A malicious or inattentive cloud API request could have a sizable impact on availability, performance, and last but not least, billing.

Practical security engineering: Stateful detection

Detection engineering at Elastic is both a set of reliable principles — or methodologies — and a collection of effective tools. In this series, we’ll share some of the foundational concepts that we’ve discovered over time to deliver resilient detection logic. In this blog post, we will share a concept we call stateful detection and explain why it's important for detection.

Protecting Fleet Data from Security Threats

Big data is revolutionizing fleet management — specifically in the form of telematics. From engine diagnostics that track fuel efficiency and mileage to sensors that detect aggressive driving behavior and interior vehicle activity, this information is so valuable that we’re quickly approaching the point where connected technology will come standard in every vehicle. Telematics is an operational goldmine.

Best Practices for Scoring Your Environment's Security Measures

For most practical uses today, a combination of hardening and vulnerability detection is required to secure even the most basic digital environment. In each area it is important to see the progress you’re making in these competencies so that you can improve and build on the work you and your team have done over time. But with so many assets in your digital environment, how do you score the effectiveness of these security measures?

OSINT - Using Threat Intelligence to Secure Your Organisation

In my first article on Cyber Security Threat Intelligence Analysts, (CTI analysts) we covered what a CTI analyst is and discussed how they can bridge the gaps between IT, Security, and the Business. We discussed how this is beneficial to the maturity of the business, but what exactly did we mean by this? In the second article of our CTI analyst series, we’ll cover the unique benefits a CTI analyst brings to an organization by enhancing.

Threat Modeling in Times of Crisis

With most of the country sheltering in place and so many people working remotely, work-life balance is taking on a new meaning and cloud infrastructure is taking a beating. The dramatic increase in daily activity and network use is creating both a visibility challenge and an operating model shift for already lean security teams.