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How To Setup Velero Backups On EKS Using IAM Roles for Service Accounts (IRSA)

Velero is an open-source tool that allows you to backup and restore your Kubernetes cluster resources and persistent volumes. Velero backups support a number of different storage providers including AWS S3. The process of setting up Velero backup with S3 using AWS credentials has been documented by Velero here. However, at the time of this post, there is no official documentation on how to set up Velero using IRSA or IAM Roles for Service Accounts.

FINOS: The State of Open Source in Financial Services

In partnership with Mend, the Fintech Open Source Foundation (FINOS) recently published its report, “The 2022 State of Open Source in Financial Services.” The report serves up a set of fascinating insights into the pace of open source adoption in the financial services sector. From optimizing benefits to overcoming obstacles, the report provides a valuable snapshot of open source software adoption in finance. Here’s a quick look at the report’s key findings.

Securing the Software Supply Chain: Key Findings from the Mend Open Source Risk Report

Threat actors will always target the things most important to businesses, and today, that means applications–the lifeblood of the global economy. As the recent Mend Open Source Risk Report reveals, the ongoing rise in open source vulnerabilities and software supply chain attacks presents significant business risk. The number of open source vulnerabilities are growing, just as threat actors are launching increasingly sophisticated attacks.

Open Source License Management Tools: Features and Best Practices

Effectively managing the many open source licenses used in enterprise software is a complex task that requires a thorough evaluation of key features in software license management tools. After that, you need to implement the technology using several best practices. In this blog post, let’s take a brief look at both.

Navigating software due diligence with a Black Duck Audit

A Black Duck Audit provides a complete picture of the software risks in your acquisition target’s software or your own. Deciding on the best approach to managing software due diligence can be a significant challenge for organizations. Frequent acquirers have a playbook, but every transaction is different, and approaches must evolve as the market changes.

Open Source License Management Tools: Challenges, Opportunities, and What to Look Out For

More and more companies are using more and more open source. The stats I’ve seen say seventy to seventy-five percent of all applications use open source or have some type of open source associated with them. I think that number is actually higher. Of all the companies that I’ve worked for, just about every single application has some type of open source associated with it.