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Uncovering the Dirty Secret of Open-Source Code and Its Risks for Organizations

Using open-source code exposes organizations to a tremendous amount of risk, yet this point is treated like a dirty little secret that nobody talks about. So, let’s live on the edge and take a minute to talk about the problem. Open-source code is an oddity. Generally, open-source code is often placed in small packets tucked inside massive programs that corporations use to run their most important processes or it is adopted as a whole program and tasked with running some part of a business.

CVE-2024-3094 - Critical Backdoor Vulnerability In XZ Utils Open-Source Library

CVE-2024-3094 is a critical backdoor vulnerability found in the XZ Utils open-source library. The vulnerability was caused by a malicious code injected into the library by one of the maintainers. The vulnerability allows remote attackers to execute any desired code on systems with exposed SSH packages.

5 Best Open Source Application Security Security Tools in 2024

As cybersecurity becomes increasingly important in software development, the “shift left” security approach is widely recognized as a best practice for ensuring superior application security. Numerous traditional security firms are introducing shift-left products and capabilities, and the concept is gaining traction. However, some open source application security tools are more developer-friendly than others.

Building a software Bill of Materials with Black Duck

A necessary step in securing an application is evaluating the supply chain of each component used to create the application—no matter how many hands were involved in its development. If any links in the supply chain are obscured, it can be difficult to confidently assess the amount of risk that an application is susceptible to.

Wake Up Call: XZ Utils Breach Demands Open Source Security Reform

In late March 2024, the cybersecurity community was shaken by the revelation of a critical vulnerability in XZ Utils, a popular open source compression tool integral to many Linux systems. The discovery was made by Andres Freund, a developer at Microsoft, who reported that versions 5.6.0 and 5.6.1 had a backdoor that could potentially allow unauthorised remote code execution.

Unzipping the XZ Backdoor and Its Lessons for Open Source

By now, you have probably heard about the recently discovered backdoor into versions 5.6.0 and 5.6.1 of the tarballs of the xz utilities, a popular compression/decompression library for xz files, which provides unauthorized remote access under certain conditions. This vulnerability was reported under CVE-2024-3094. Andres Freund, of Microsoft, who discovered the vulnerability, summarized it well.

When and How to Use OSV Scanner to Secure your Open Source

We recently wrote about npm audit fix, which is an add-on to the excellent npm audit, that has become a fundamental tool for managing software packages in Node.js projects. However, developers working with other languages also require specialized tools for Software Composition Analysis (SCA). At Jit, our tool of choice for SCA scanning across a diversity of programming languages is OSV Scanner, a best of breed OSS solution maintained by Google.

The Hidden Economy of Open Source Software

The recent discovery of a backdoor in XZ Utils (CVE-2024-3094), a data compression utility used by a wide array of various open-source, Linux-based computer applications, underscores the importance of open-source software security. While it is often not consumer-facing, open-source software is a critical component of computing and internet functions, such as secure communications between machines.