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TPRM Strategies for India's Digital Personal Data Protection Act

India established a framework for protecting and processing personal data called the Digital Personal Data Protection Bill. After passing both houses of Parliament, this bill evolved into the Digital Personal Data Protection Act (DPDP) in 2023. This act creates a robust and comprehensive framework to protect sensitive information while supporting India's economic growth and digital transformation.

Five worthy reads: Navigating the landscape of US IT security laws in the government sector

In an era defined by unprecedented digitalization, the security of information and data holds paramount importance, especially within the government sector. As technology evolves, so do the laws and regulations governing IT security. Navigating this intricate terrain involves a comprehensive understanding of the diverse array of laws and regulations governing IT security.

EU AI Act Developments and More - This Month in AI

In a historic move, European Union member countries have unanimously agreed on the groundbreaking Artificial Intelligence Act. This achievement comes after overcoming last-minute concerns that the rulebook might impede European innovation. The EU deputy ambassadors provided the green light to the final compromise text, marking the conclusion of extensive negotiations between the Council, European Parliament members, and European Commission officials.

Why Indian companies need to adhere to the DPDP Act

The Indian government implemented the Data Protection and Privacy (DPDP) Act, a groundbreaking measure designed to regulate data protection within the country, in August 2023. In today’s rapidly evolving digital era, it has become increasingly important to have robust legislation in place to safeguard people’s data. With so much information being shared online, this act protects our data from misuse and unauthorized access.

Data Subject GDPR Requests: Rights and Requirements

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a European Union law that governs how companies may collect and use the personal data of EU residents. It establishes standards that help ensure that this data is not stored, handled or shared in a way that would expose individuals to risk. The law also specifies how organizations must respond in case of a data breach.

Data Protection Day 2024: As Technology and Threats Evolve, Data Protection Is Paramount

Today’s cybersecurity landscape poses one of the most significant risks to data. This holds true for organizations of all sizes, across all industries, tasked with protecting their most essential data amid an increasingly regulated environment and faster, more innovative adversaries. Recent years have introduced a steady drumbeat of new data privacy regulations. There are now 14 U.S. states that have passed privacy laws.

A Guide to the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015

Modern slavery is a pervasive global issue all businesses must be aware of to ensure fair working conditions, liveable wages, and safe labor practices exist across their supply chain. Some organizations may be surprised to find out that slavery is still a global concern, as individuals often use the term in a historical context. However, this does not change the fact that victims of modern slavery continue to suffer behind closed doors around the globe.

Emerging Trends in Wage and Hour Litigation: What You Need to Know

Wage and hour litigation has seen rapid evolution in recent years. With new legal developments and shifts in the workplace, businesses must stay vigilant to avoid noncompliance. This article explores the key trends and provides practical guidance for employers.