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How Long Would it Take a Cybercriminal to Crack My Password?

Depending on how you create your passwords, such as the length or including letters, numbers and symbols, the time it would take a cybercriminal to crack it varies. Understanding what makes it easy for cybercriminals to crack your passwords is critical to keeping yourself safe from becoming a victim of this type of attack. Read on to learn how long it would take to crack your password and what you can do to strengthen your passwords so they’re not easily cracked by a cybercriminal.

How Can I Use PAM to Satisfy Cyber Insurance Requirements?

Privileged Access Management (PAM) enables organizations to address core controls needed to qualify for many cyber insurance policies. It’s important for organizations to be insured and mitigate the potential impact of a breach, and PAM is a critical part of any risk management strategy. In this blog, we’ll take a look at how organizations can satisfy common cyber insurance requirements with PAM, and the security benefits doing so offers.

Cyberstalking vs Cyberbullying vs Cyber Harassment: What's the Difference?

According to Pew Research, 41% of Americans have experienced some form of online harassment – and the severity of incidents has been getting worse over time. Understanding what different types of online harassment look like, and what behaviors harassers engage in, can help you recognize and address it. Keep reading to learn about the different types of online harassment, consequences of online harassment and how to avoid becoming a target.

Deep Web vs Dark Web: What's the Difference?

The main difference between the deep web and the dark web is that the deep web is bigger and used every day by most people without even realizing it. The dark web can only be accessed with the Tor browser and is riskier to access than the deep web. Continue reading to learn more about the differences between the deep and dark web, and how you can keep your information protected from both.

Types of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

The four types of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) are knowledge, possession, inherence and location. These authentication types provide a foundation for a number of MFA methods, giving users multiple options for securing their data, ranging from SMS message tokens to hardware security keys. Which method is right for you or your business can depend upon what you have access to and how secure you want to be.

The Three Different Types of Hackers

Hackers fall into one of three general categories: white hat hackers, black hat hackers and gray hat hackers. But these aren’t the only types of hackers that exist. There are also red hat hackers, green hat hackers, blue hat hackers and more. Read on to learn more about the types of hackers and what makes them different from one another.

Can Someone Access the Passwords Saved in My Browser?

Yes, anyone who has access to your web browser or uses malicious software to hack it will be able to access the passwords saved in your browser. These known security flaws in browser password managers are often ignored because they are convenient to use. However, your passwords are not secure in a browser password manager. Continue reading to learn more about the risks of using browser password managers and what you should use instead.

Can WiFi See What You Search on Incognito?

Yes, your WiFi provider – also called an Internet Service Provider (ISP) – can see what you search and what sites you visit, even when you’re in incognito mode. The owner of the router will also be able to see what you search in the router logs. Incognito mode only prevents your site visits from being saved to your browser history. Read on to learn more about how incognito mode works and who can see your search history.