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BreachWatch vs LifeLock: Comparing Dark Web Monitoring Tools

The main differences between BreachWatch® and LifeLock are the type of protection they offer, the cost of each solution and the features they have. Continue reading to learn how BreachWatch and LifeLock compare, and how to choose the right dark web monitoring solution for yourself.

What Is Shoulder Surfing?

Have you ever wondered why PIN pads at grocery stores often have a protective shield surrounding the buttons? It’s to prevent an attack called “shoulder surfing.” Shoulder surfing is a method of information theft in which the perpetrator watches the victim from nearby to see any information they type or view on their screens. Keep reading to learn why shoulder surfing is a threat to cybersecurity and how to protect your private information from this form of attack.

Ransomware Attacks Strike Fear in US Hospitals

On June 15, 2023, the residents of Spring Valley, IL woke up to the sobering news that St. Margareth’s Health hospital, one of only a few hospitals in the region, would be closing. The cause of the closure? A devastating cyberattack. After falling prey to cybercriminals, the hospital’s personnel were unable to submit claims to insurers, Medicare or Medicaid for months, which ultimately spelled its financial doom. The St. Margareth’s incident is not an outlier.

How To Remove Your Information From People Search Sites

You can remove your personal information from people search sites by searching your name on Google, gathering a list of people search sites, finding your information on each website, locating the opt-out page and submitting a request to opt-out. Continue reading to learn what people search sites are, detailed steps to removing your information from these sites, and why it’s important to do so.

Introducing Keeper Security Government Cloud for MSPs

Managed Service Providers (MSPs) play a crucial role in delivering reliable and secure IT services to organizations of all sizes and across various industries. With the rise in cyber threats, especially ransomware attacks targeting public sector organizations, the need for robust cybersecurity tools has become paramount.

How To Buy and Sell Safely on Facebook Marketplace

To buy and sell safely on Facebook Marketplace, you should check seller and buyer profiles, meet in a public place when selling or purchasing an item, have a friend or relative accompany you for the exchange of goods, use secure payment methods and more. Continue reading to learn more about Facebook Marketplace scams and how to stay safe from them when selling or buying on the platform.

How To Know if Your Phone Is Hacked

You can know if your phone is hacked if you experience warning signs such as data usage being higher than normal, new apps you didn’t download, unusual or inappropriate pop-ups and more. Continue reading to learn about the warning signs that indicate your phone has been or is being hacked, and what you can do if you discover your phone has been hacked.

Top Five Password Security Tips

The most important tips for password security include choosing long, complex, unique passwords, not storing them in easy-to-hack places and using a password manager. Unfortunately, most people don’t follow best practices for password security. According to Keeper Security’s 2023 Password Management Report, only 25% of people use strong, unique passwords for all of their accounts. That means 75% of people have insufficient password practices.