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Use Keeper Connection Manager to Automatically Discover & Connect to AWS EC2 Instances

One of the selling points of cloud computing is the ability to quickly spin up new machines as needed. Unfortunately, this means that cloud environments grow very complex, very quickly – and manually updating configuration files to add new instances gets really old, really fast. It’s easy to make a mistake, which inhibits productivity and causes security issues, especially when accessing machines remotely.

What Is ITAR Compliance? Who Does It Apply To?

The term “ITAR compliance” is a misnomer. Unlike FedRAMP and other compliance frameworks, there is no formal “ITAR Compliance” or “ITAR Certification” process. Organizations that fall under ITAR need to understand how the regulations apply to them and set up internal policies and controls to protect ITAR technical data. Let’s examine what ITAR is all about, and how Keeper’s cybersecurity suite can help you comply with it.

Terraform & Keeper Secrets Manager: Better Together

Terraform is a very popular infrastructure-as-code (IAC) tool that enables DevOps teams to deploy and manage infrastructure such as servers, containers and databases. Since Keeper Secrets Manager supports record creation through Terraform, you can secure infrastructure secrets using your Keeper Vault. This feature, combined with existing credential read functionality, makes it possible to maintain your credentials’ full lifecycle using Keeper and Terraform.

Announcing Keeper One-Time Share

Ever need to share a password with someone, maybe a friend, a contractor or a business associate but they don’t have a Keeper account? Keeper is pleased to announce the launch of One-Time Share, a new feature that lets Keeper users securely share records with anyone on a time-limited basis, without the recipient having to create a Keeper account.