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Redis' Andrew DiMichele: How to build engaged SecOps teams that stay ahead of attackers

In this episode of the Future of Security Operations, Thomas speaks with Andrew DiMichele, Director of Security Operations at Redis, whose background is building security operations programs. Andrew's security journey began in the US Air Force Reserves and has brought him to CISCO, banking, IBM, and Citrix.

Understanding alert overload part 1: Why security teams are drowning in disconnected data

In cybersecurity, it's easy to feel like your successes don't matter. After all, if things go wrong and a failure happens, that’s a lot more likely to make front-page news. Media coverage of high-profile breaches is growing, even for companies that have invested heavily to build up their security programs. Security breaches are never fun, but they're even less enjoyable when you know that your company could have done something about it.

Citrix's Corey Hill: How to make mental health a priority for your security team

In our latest episode of the Future of Security Operations podcast, Thomas speaks to Corey Hill, Director of Security Operations and Incident Response at Citrix. After working at organizations such as Mandiant and Cisco, Corey joined Citrix in 2020 when there were just a handful of people on the SOC team.

Handle Terraform Cloud infrastructure requests automatically with Tines

Tines is pleased to have joined the Terraform Cloud Run Tasks ecosystem. Tines helps DevOps teams better leverage the generally available Terraform Cloud run tasks pre-plan by enabling them to approve and record infrastructure requests from Terraform Cloud automatically.

Automated phishing triage with Material and Tines

At Tines, we understand there’s no such thing as a universal workflow. While there are often some standard best practices, whether carrying out a workflow manually or automating it, every team has a unique approach and set of tools to solve challenges. This is especially true for security teams, who constantly have to evolve their processes and infrastructure to stay ahead of cyber attackers in today’s rapidly changing threat landscape.

TripActions' Aaron Cooper: Why understanding broader company culture is critical to a security team's success

Aaron Cooper is the Security Operations Manager at TripActions with 20+ years of experience working in a variety of enterprise infrastructures. He specializes in managing and designing secure network environments to meet the needs of financial and corporate customers, managing security operations centers, and designing and implementing highly secure and available data networks while maintaining HIPAA, SOX, and PCI compliance.

Five tips for managing the cost of your security operations

With the global economy experiencing a slowdown, security teams are feeling the pressure to reduce costs without sacrificing security. But while it's important to be fiscally responsible, making cuts in the wrong areas can put your organization at risk. Malicious actors know that businesses are under even more pressure during times of economic turmoil.

Leveraging Microsoft Teams webhooks to create a Tines chatbot

Microsoft requires users to leverage the Microsoft Developer Portal to create new Teams applications, such as chatbots. At Tines, we thought it might be helpful to provide instructions for alternative options if you don't want to create a chatbot in the portal. For those who would prefer to send messages directly to a Teams channel instead of configuring a chatbot, Microsoft Teams can receive messages in a channel via a webhook.

Introducing Change Control

Companies depend on Tines to automate their mission-critical security workflows. We take this responsibility extremely seriously, and we’re always enhancing our platform’s capabilities to make it even more trustworthy and reliable. Today, we introduced Change Control. When enabled, it adds a test environment to your Story, allowing you to prototype and experiment with changes, before applying them to your Story.

TripActions' Aaron Cooper: Why understanding broader company culture is critical to a security team's success

Aaron Cooper is the Security Operations Manager at TripActions with 20+ years of experience working in a variety of enterprise infrastructures. He specializes in managing and designing secure network environments to meet the needs of financial and corporate customers, managing security operations centers, and designing and implementing highly secure and available data networks while maintaining HIPAA, SOX, and PCI compliance.