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How to Set Up an SSH Jump Server

In this blog post we’ll cover how to set up an SSH jump server. We’ll cover two open source projects. Both of these servers are easy to install and configure, are free and open-source, and are single-binary Linux daemons. An SSH jump server is a regular Linux server, accessible from the Internet, which is used as a gateway to access other Linux machines on a private network using the SSH protocol.

Session Control for SSH and Kubernetes in Teleport 4.4

Teleport 4.4 is here! The major innovation we’re introducing in this version is much improved control over interactive sessions for SSH and Kubernetes protocols. We’ll do a deeper dive into session control later, but for those who aren’t familiar with it, Teleport is an open source project. It provides access to SSH servers and Kubernetes clusters on any infrastructure, on any cloud, or any IoT device, anywhere, even behind NAT.

Teleport 4.4: Concurrent Session Control & Session Streaming

A SSH session can be interactive or non-interactive. The session starts when a computer or human connects to a node using SSH. SSH sessions can be established using public/private key cryptography or can use short lived SSH Certificates, similar to how Teleport works. Organizations often want to know who is accessing the systems and provide a greater level of control over who and when people are accessing them, which is where Teleport 4.4 comes into play.

How to Set Up Kubernetes SSO with SAML

Kubernetes has some impressive baked-in role based access controls (RBAC). These controls allow administrators to define nuanced permissions when querying Kubernetes resources, like Pods, Deployments, ReplicaSets, etc. For those familiar with Kubernetes, the value of RBAC is immediately recognizable. A single Kubernetes cluster can contain your organization’s entire CI/CD pipeline, highly available SaaS products, or infrastructure that is in the process of being moved to the cloud.

Best Practices for Secure Infrastructure Access

Technologies build on other technologies to compound growth. It’s no coincidence that of the companies with the highest market capitalization within the US, the first non-tech company is the eighth one down: Berkshire Hathaway. Nor is it a coincidence that tech startups can take their valuation into the 10 digits in a flash on the backs of other tech companies. This pace of growth can only be afforded by the innovation of new technology.

Celebrate Open Source Day with Gravitons on September 4th!

I was going through a row of photography books in an antique store when I got a call from Bucky Moore, our lead investor and a board member. “Let me know if you need anything from me. This is getting serious,” he said. He seemed concerned. It was Sunday, March 22nd, right after the shelter in place order went in effect here in California. The next day, COVID-19 was no longer just in the news, it was everywhere.

How I Found Myself in a Command Line vs. GUI Meeting

“Ev, do you have time later today to discuss the new web GUI for the command line terminal?” said the Slack message. It came from Alex, our user experience chief and the product in question is the SSH client. Part of me was worried. The command line environment had a sanctuary where I found peace and happiness away from the world of browser-based tools.

SSH vs. kubectl exec

Let’s have a look at two popular ways of opening remote shells: the good ol’ ssh and its modern counterpart, kubectl exec. Below, I will only look at the “kubectl exec” subcommand and its friends. kubectl itself is a swiss-army knife for all things Kubernetes. Comparing all of it to ssh is like comparing systemd to BSD init. Also, I will use “SSH” to mean “OpenSSH”, which is the de-facto standard for SSH protocol implementation.

How OIDC Authentication Works

Did you know that in the United States, the Social Security Number was never intended to become the defacto method for physical identification? On its surface, this may come as a shock given how ubiquitously SSNs are used for this exact reason, but looking beneath the surface, we find that SSNs are terrible forms of identification. Ignoring the security concerns of a nine digit numeric code, an SSN is not for universal identification.