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How does AWS IAM role, STS and Identity Pool work with each other.

We talked about IAM in the past 3 posts, identities in IAM, manage users privilege as an IT person and control privilege boundaries. We also talked about how applications use AWS Cognito Identity Pool to get AWS temporary credentials to access AWS resources in early posts of “What I wish I could have learned before starting using AWS Cognito” and “Authentication and authorization with AWS Amplify under the hood”.

AWS IAM in a layman's terms

We alluded in one of our previous posts that the development team will own a lot of responsibility defining application related resource access control, simply because the dev team owns the infrastructure as code (IaC) responsibility themselves. No matter how security-savvy and security-educated a development team is, the central security team still needs some control, some kind of “trust but verify”.

Teleport Cloud in 2021: Security Audit Results

This year we launched Teleport Cloud, a new service for providing a hosted version of Teleport Access Plane. One of the first problems the team had to tackle was how to secure the new infrastructure properly, and the team wanted to ensure the best possible results by engaging in an independent audit. As with the Teleport core product, we engaged with Doyensec to provide an independent security audit of our production environment.

Pull Requests for Infrastructure Access

Making frequent changes to cloud applications running in production is the de-facto standard. To minimize errors, engineers use CI/CD automation, techniques like code reviews, green-blue deployments and others. Git pull requests often serve as a foundational component for triggering code reviews, Slack notifications, and subsequent automation such as testing and deployments. This automated process enforces peer reviews and creates enough visibility to minimize human error.

Secure Session Transfer Between Web Apps on Different Domains

Writing a web application that supports securely logging into a website and managing your credentials is a surprisingly difficult task. You have to develop a way to manage sessions, understand how browsers store state (cookies), learn a cryptographically safe password storing technique (like bcrypt), all the while making sure you mitigate common web security vulnerabilities like XSS and CSRF.

What I Wish I Knew About U2F and Other Hardware MFA Protocols

Teleport has supported multi-factor authentication (MFA) for a while now, via Authenticator Apps (TOTP) and Hardware Tokens (U2F) such as YubiKeys. But this support was pretty limited: you could only choose one MFA protocol and users could only register one device. If a user lost their device, they would be locked out and need an account reset by the administrator. So, for Teleport 6.0, we’ve reimplemented the MFA support to make it more flexible.

How SAML 2.0 Authentication Works?

Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) 2.0 is one of the most widely used open standard for authentication and authorizing between multiple parties. It’s one of the protocol that give users the single sign-on (SSO) experience for applications. The other adopted open standard is OAuth and OpenID. Of the two, SAML 2.0, released in 2005, remains the 800 pound gorilla in Enterprise SSO space. This post provides a detailed introduction on how SAML works.

Teleport in 2021: Security Audit Results

We now live in an era where the security of all layers of the software stack is immensely important, and simply open-sourcing a code base is not enough to ensure that security vulnerabilities surface and are addressed. At Teleport, we see it as a necessity to engage a third party that specializes in acting as an adversary, and provide an independent analysis of our sources.