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5 Tips for a Successful Teleport Proof of Value Evaluation

Most car purchases start with a test drive. Increasingly, enterprise software purchases (including security software) are made the same way. These evaluations are often called a Proof of Concept or PoC. This term is a great fit for lots of situations, especially when the solution evolves a novel way of combining established tools or a hard-to-define use case that can only be judged in practice.

Why Energy Infrastructure is National Security and How to Protect It

I am writing this from my home office in Texas. Texas isn’t just my home. It is the home of the best brisket on the planet, some of the most iconic high tech brands in the world, and energy production that powers the global economy. In the morning, I might meet with one of the fastest growing SaaS companies in the country about achieving the rigorous FedRAMP certification so they can sell to federal agencies.

What Financial Services Companies Need to Know About Infrastructure Access

Ding. That is the sound of the elevator opening on the ground floor of the One WTC building in New York. We’re both there for a meeting. You, as Director of Systems Engineering for a Financial Services provider, are presenting your plans to shore up the hybrid infrastructure used to run the bank’s new crypto-based services. I’m meeting with clients who are trying to rebuild their reputation, and SOC2 certification, after a data breach.

Leave SSL in the Dust, Turbocharge TLS with ALPN and SNI

As part of Teleport 8 we’ve made significant improvements to our routing, so much so the improvements have become a feature. Teleport 8 has new TLS routing that greatly reducing the port requirements needed for Teleport to run. Reducing the open network footprint down to a single port for your entire infrastructure and minimizing the attack surface. Want to know how we did it? Read on!

Passwordless Remote Access to Windows Servers and Desktops

During my time as a penetration tester, I’ve seen many IT teams storing server catalogs with respective IP addresses and passwords in a sharable Excel sheet. This is more so true in windows server infrastructure as many organizations resort to password-based auth for local and remote access. Of course, security-conscious organizations would use a password vault. But in any case, password storage in any form is often an Achilles heel in infrastructure security.

Introducing Teleport Access Plane for Linux and Windows Hosts

We are excited to welcome Windows hosts to the Teleport Access Plane. For the past 5 years we’ve helped refine our Access Plane for Linux hosts, providing short-lived certificate-based access, RBAC and developer-friendly access to resources. As we’ve rolled Teleport to larger organizations, we found that people wanted the same convenience and security of Teleport but for Windows hosts.

Teleport 8 - Introducing Desktop Access

If your organization runs cloud-native workloads on a mixed infrastructure of Linux and Windows, this announcement of Teleport 8 is for you! TL;DR Teleport 8 enables easy and secure remote access to a mixed fleet of Linux/SSH and Windows/RDP hosts via a single TCP/IP port. Before we dive deeper into how it works, let’s introduce Teleport to new readers of this blog.

How to Pass a FedRAMP Audit for SaaS Providers: Part 1

You work at a SaaS provider, and now you need to pass a FedRAMP audit. If that describes you, read on. This post will tell you (almost) everything you need to know about how to pass a FedRAMP Audit. For the rest, reach out to us. We will put you in touch with one of our Solution Engineers like me who have helped some of the largest SaaS providers in the world pass their FedRAMP audit prior or after IPOing. It’s what we do.