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SSH Bastion Host Best Practices

SSH bastion hosts are an indispensable security enforcement stack for secure infrastructure access. Every security compliance standard that deals with remote infrastructure access (e.g., FedRAMP AC-17 - Remote Access, HIPAA §164.312(a)(1) - Access control, SOC2 CC6.1 - Manage Points of Access) mandates preventing direct network access to the servers and APIs.

Why Financial Services Companies That Value Agility & Security Pick Teleport

2022 feels a little different, doesn’t it? Every day I’m prepared to hear something new, something scary, or something exciting. These last couple of years have made it seem like we just never know what is coming next. It’s no different for financial services companies who have to be prepared for the unexpected, including disruptive technologies that can challenge their core businesses.

What You Need to Know About Adding a SaaS Component to Your Hardware or Software Business

Many market-leading companies who have dominated their respective sectors with hardware or on-prem/installable software solutions are turning to SaaS offerings to fuel the next phase of their growth. Why? Simple. Market valuations are much higher for SaaS companies than they are for traditional software and hardware companies. The median multiple on earnings for a SaaS company is 12.7x as of Q3 2021 according to venture capitalist Jamin Ball who tracks the Public Cloud Software (e.g.

How to Set Up Two-Factor Authentication for SSH

One way to enhance SSH login security is by using two-factor authentication (2FA). This approach forces an administrator to self-identify with an additional security verification in addition to the local admin credentials. This tutorial guides you through setting up Google Authenticator PAM to enable 2FA for users connecting to SSH on a Linux server. We’ll use nano as our editor in examples.

SSH Client Config Files and How to Use Them

SSH client configuration files allow us to connect to servers with pre-configured commands. This saves typing each SSH command parameter when logging into a remote machine and executing commands on a remote device. This article will examine secure shell (SSH) client configuration (config) files and their functions. Specifically, we will show an example of an SSH client config file to learn how to use these files before creating an example config file that connects to a fictitious server.

5 Best Practices for Securing SSH

Strictly following security best practices is the first step to cybersecurity. Although SSH is the industry standard for both security and efficacy for remote server access, as with any software, SSH is only as secure as configurations applied to the server and client configurations. In this article, we’ll explore five SSH best practices you should observe to boost the security of your infrastructure.

Why DevSecOps is Going Passwordless

I talk to a lot of engineers every day. SREs. Systems Architects. Security Engineers. What I am hearing from them is that they are moving away from passwords — both in their personal lives, opting for more secure forms of authentication like biometrics and second factors, and at work. It just doesn’t make sense anymore to protect your personal bank with a second factor, but to share around an SSH key to access critical server infrastructure.

Three Little-Known Features in Teleport That I Wish Everyone Knew

As a solution architect at Teleport, I help potential customers get up and running with Teleport, but I am also a power user myself. In my time here, I have picked a few favorite features to help me be more efficient using Teleport, but they aren’t as widely known as they should be. This article hopes to change that and give some love to three little-known features that can enhance your usage of Teleport. I use them every day and hope that after reading this blog, you will too.

SSH Keys are Passwords Too

Use of misused or stolen credentials is the number one cause of data breaches. Using Password123 is worthy of a good laugh, but there are other passwords that are used everyday: SSH keys and other tokens used to access critical infrastructure. Teleport recently commissioned a survey of 1000 IT, DevOps and Security professionals and found that passwords are the number one way of managing access to infrastructure.